Robert Strandh
Robert Strandh
I am afraid I don't really understand the issues involved, nor why this functionality would be useful.
OK, no new functionality, but I still don't see what the purpose would be. Perhaps it is just an optimization issue? And I don't see how the protocol could give...
You would probably need something like Trucler for that. It is a library for managing lexical compile-time environments.
Right. I am unaware of any general-purpose code walker having been developed using Trucler. I suspect it has to do with the incomplete support that Trucler provides for the widely...
Fixed. Thanks! On Tue, Dec 25, 2018 at 1:05 PM Michał Herda wrote: > > > At the top of the page, "Function" is rendered above the ToC and...
I don't understand what you want from me.
I think we have some communication problems here. I obviously agree about the importance of the MOP. Otherwise, I would not have done the work I did. I praised your...
I think I have an idea for how to organize the code. Let Sequences be the name of the main directory for the sequence functions. Create sub-directories in Sequences named...
This doesn't answer your question, but the bootstrapping procedure is currently broken. We are working on an improved bootstrapping procedure, and that will take quite some time yet. Sorry about...
For step 3, put symbolic links in your ~/quicklisp/local-projects directory to the directory where you keep SICL and other projects that you can not install with Quicklisp. At the REPL,...