Robel kebede

Results 4 issues of Robel kebede

* bigchaindb-driver==0.5.3: * bigchaindb:all_in_one docker image python 3.6 * Ubuntu i created an asset in javascript driver and transfer using python driver the asset transfer successfully but there is no...

TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined chain_app_1 | at /app/node_modules/bigchaindb-driver/dist/node/transaction.js:285:49 chain_app_1 | at () chain_app_1 | at Function.makeTransferTransaction (/app/node_modules/bigchaindb-driver/dist/node/transaction.js:280:41) chain_app_1 | at Promise (/app/chain.js:205:60) chain_app_1 | at new...

TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined at Object.makeTransferTransaction (C:\Users\Rob_keb\node_modules\bigchaindb-driver\dist\node\transaction\makeTransferTransaction.js:56:108) at Promise (C:\Users\Rob_keb\Desktop\Blockchain\chain\Foodchain\foodchain.js:210:60) at new Promise () at foodchain.transferAsset (C:\Users\Rob_keb\Desktop\Blockchain\chain\Foodchain\foodchain.js:201:16) at (C:\Users\Rob_keb\Desktop\Blockchain\chain\Foodchain\index.js:56:13) at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C:\Users\Rob_keb\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5) at next...

*** frame 2/628 *** Matches: 1581 -> 1581 -> 1215 -> 1214 Culled: 0 points Pose: 0.022129 Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 218, in slam.process_frame(frame, None if...