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Proposal: ignore_conflict
Hi -- I use the following code to add an on conflict (col) do nothing
clause to the SQL statement Moebius generates and wonder if (a) this would be a generally useful addition to the library and (b) how detailed an implementation would be required to be general enough. (on conflict
can be arbitrarily complicated; personally I'd opt for a function for anything more involved than this simple statement but I know that might be an extreme position.)
@spec ignore_conflict(%Moebius.QueryCommand{}, String.t) ::
@doc "Do nothing when an insert conflict is detected on COL."
def ignore_conflict(%Moebius.QueryCommand{} = cmd, col) do
conflict = "on conflict (#{col}) do nothing"
new = Regex.replace(~r/returning.+$/, cmd.sql, "#{conflict} \\0")
%{cmd | sql: new}
If there is interest, I'd be happy to supply a PR (with any guidance incorporated). Thanks!