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distributed codec-engine shim.. see git:// for latest

= About Distributed Codec Engine =

DCE is a library to remotely invoke the hw accellerated codecs on IVA-HD via a syslink/rcm shim layer. This provides access to the [ Codec Engine] codec interface on the coprocessor (ducati/M3) from the host.

It is similar in purpose to remote codec engine, although at the time RCE was not supported on OMAP4430, and DCE was a simple way to get the same result. They should be roughly interchangeable from the user's perspective, with the caveat that the DCE user should use dce_alloc() and dce_free() to allocate/free the control structures that are passed by pointer to CE APIs.

DCE is used by:

  • [ omapfbplay]
  • [ gst-ducati]

If you are using DCE (for anything that can be revealed publicly) let me know and I'll add a link.

:Note: look in the README file for the latest version of this document, in particular for the required versions of various dependent components and tools, as these can change over time

A pre-built ducati appm3 image (''dce_app_m3.xem3'') is found in the firmware directory. The ''Notify_MPUSYS_reroute_Test_Core0.xem3'' from syslink build should be used for sysm3 image. The ''dce_app_m3.xem3'' replaces the official OpenMAX ''base_image_app_m3.xem3''.

= How To Build =

These instructions are assuming you are cross-compiling on a linux machine for ducati/M3 coprocessor side and natively building the linux/A9 host side (although the instructions for cross-compiling the host side are roughly the same).

The following gives an example of how to build. I don't claim that it is the best or only way. But these are the versions I am currently using:

  • TMS470/ARM Code Generation Tools (CGT) - 4.6.1
  • XDC tools -
  • BIOS (the RTOS) -
  • Codec Engine (CE) -
  • Framework Component (FC) -
  • XDAIS -
  • HDVICP2 API and HDVICP2_CODECS - 1.00.000
  • bios-syslink - commit-id [ 48e98007e21e311c126f89ff51616bf6d7067b9d]
  • libdce

On linux side, the following versions are used:

  • kernel ... 2.6.38 linaro kernel plus ??? ** for now I am using: [ git:// ti-omap4-drm-syslink-v4l2 branch]
  • syslink userspace: syslink-2.0
  • tiler/memmgr userspace: memmgr_2.0

== Building Ducati/M3 Side ==

=== Install TMS470/ARM Compiler ===

Install Code Generation Tools (CGT) from:


Install to ''$HOME/ducati/ti_cgt_tms470_''

=== Install XDC tools ===

Download XDC tools from:


Install to ''$HOME/ducati/xdctools_''

=== Install BIOS ===

Download BIOS (the RTOS) from:


Install to ''$HOME/ducati/bios_''

=== Install Codec Engine ===

Download Codec Engine (CE) from:


The lite version is fine. Install to ''$HOME/ducati/codec_engine_''

=== Install Framework Components ===

Download Framework Components (FC) from:


The lite version without fctools is fine. Install to ''$HOME/ducati/framework_components_''

=== Install XDAIS ===

Download XDAIS from:


Untar to ''$HOME/ducati/xdais_''

=== Install HDVICP2 library codecs ===

Install HDCICP2 plus desired codecs from:


Install to ''$HOME/ducati/'', and then untar each of the .tar files that were installed.

cd $HOME/ducati for f in ivahd_*.tar; do untar xf $f done

You should end up with:

  • ''$HOME/ducati/ivahd_hdvicp20api_01_00_00_19_production''
  • ''$HOME/ducati/ivahd_h264dec_01_00_00_00_production''
  • ''$HOME/ducati/ivahd_mpeg2vdec_01_00_00_00_production''
  • ''$HOME/ducati/ivahd_jpegvdec_01_00_00_00_production''

=== Setup Environment ===

Setup environment variables needed for the build steps:

export TMS470_C_DIR="$HOME/ducati/ti_cgt_tms470_4_6_1/include;$HOME/ducati/ti_cgt_tms470_4_6_1/lib" export TMS470CGTOOLPATH="$HOME/ducati/ti_cgt_tms470_4_6_1" XDCPATH="" for f in $HOME/ducati/*/packages; do XDCPATH="$XDCPATH$f;" done export XDCPATH="$XDCPATH$HOME/ducati/bios_6_31_03_25/packages" export XDCROOT="$HOME/ducati/xdctools_3_20_07_86" export XDCARGS="profile=release"

Note: if you are using different version numbers, the paths would have to be adjusted accordingly.

=== Build Syslink ===

Clone ''syslink'' tree in ''$HOME/ducati/bios-syslink''

cd $HOME/ducati git clone git:// cd bios-syslink/packages git checkout 48e98007e21e311c126f89ff51616bf6d7067b9d

At this point, since we are not building the DSP/c64 image, we can comment out a line in the build.cfg:

diff --git a/packages/config.bld b/packages/config.bld index 01113a1..17e9862 100644 --- a/packages/config.bld +++ b/packages/config.bld @@ -228,6 +228,5 @@ M3.platform = M3.platforms[0];

//Uncomment the require targets Build.targets = [

  •                C64T,

Now resume build:

export XDCBUILDCFG="pwd/config.bld" $XDCROOT/xdc clean -PR ./ti $XDCROOT/xdc -PR ./ti/sdo ./ti/omap/uart/ ./ti/omap/mem/ ./ti/omap/platform/ ./ti/omap/slpm/ ./ti/omap/deh ./ti/omap/hdmiwa $XDCROOT/xdc -PR ./ti/omap/samples/notify

When the build succeeds, the ''sysm3 image'' will be in: ''ti/omap/samples/notify/ti_omap_platform_core0/release/Notify_MPUSYS_reroute_Test_Core0.xem3''.

Note: For now, instead of git://, we use the gitorious tree. There are some kernel patches missing in ubuntu/linaro 2.6.38 kernel (for now) which are needed to use the latest official tree. (Probably the missing patch is [,13113 this].)

Note: If you change ''syslink'', you need to rebuild ''libdce''. When you build syslink you build both the ''sysm3'' image, plus ''syslink'' libraries used by the ''appm3'' image.

=== Build DCE ===

Add the bios-syslink package into the already set ''XDCPATH'' variable

export XDCPATH="$XDCPATH;$HOME/ducati/bios-syslink/packages"

Clone ''libdce'' tree in ''$HOME/ducati/libdce''

cd $HOME/ducati git clone git:// cd libdce

export XDCBUILDCFG="pwd/ducati/build/config.bld" cd ducati/platform/base_image $XDCROOT/xdc -j4 -PD .

When the build succeeds, the ''appm3'' image will be in ''out/app_m3/release/dce_app_m3.xem3''.

Note: To reduce the size of the images, the debug symbols can be stripped:

$TMS470CGTOOLPATH/bin/strip470 Notify_MPUSYS_reroute_Test_Core0.xem3 $TMS470CGTOOLPATH/bin/strip470 dce_app_m3.xem3

== Building Linux/A9 side: ==

Standard autotools build for cortex-a9 side userspace components.

  • kernel: 2.6.38 linaro kernel ** .. patches ..
  • tiler: ** git:// ** branch: memmgr_2.0
  • syslink: ** git:// ** branch: syslink-2.0

=== Build TILER userspace ===

git clone git:// cd tiler git checkout origin/memmgr_2.0 ./ ./configure --prefix=/usr make -j4 sudo make install

=== Build Syslink userspace ===

Ignore the build instructions in syslink tree if you are building natively. Too much to read..

git clone git:// cd syslink/syslink git checkout origin/syslink-2.0 ./ ./configure --prefix=/usr make -j4 sudo make install

== Build DCE userspace ==

If building natively, clone ''libdce'' tree. Otherwise, if cross-compiling, you can use the same copy you cloned on your PC when you built ''dce_app_m3.xem3''.

cd libdce ./autogen --prefix=/usr make -j4 sudo make install

= Useful Links =

  • - the future..

= TODO =

  • update instructions about syslink and TILER version dependencies.. and add instructions for building ducati image.
  • migrate to syslink v3.0