UKBinCollectionData copied to clipboard
Entities are not updated in line with the 12 hour refresh window.
Asked to submit this issue by Rob. The observed behaviour is that on the day of collection for example, the entity will still show "tomorrow" rather than "today. Eventually it updates and is reflected in the card I have for this. A reload of the integration normally triggers the update.
Not currently configurable - the update is set at every 12 hours to protect council infrastructure.
I think you may have found a bug though - as the display should change but the collection of the data should stay at 12 hours.
Let me take a look at this
@OliverCullimore / @dp247 FYI
Originally posted by @robbrad in
Could it be this?
Just checking in to see if there was any progress on this as the 12 hour update as mentioned is not applying. If I reload the service, all is good but for example, my dashboard is showing the bins should go out tomorrow, which of course, yesterday it was correct, but not today. Not a major thing but slightly takes the edge of what is a really useful integration.
I currently use this automation to ensure that the entities update daily:
alias: Update bin collection dates daily
- platform: time
at: "00:01:00"
condition: []
- service: homeassistant.update_entity
- sensor.blue_bin_next_collection_date
- sensor.grey_bin_next_collection_date
- sensor.brown_bin_next_collection_date
- sensor.green_bin_next_collection_date
data: {}
mode: single
It's obviously not a proper fix but appears to work well enough for now.
Perfect! That'll do nicely sir, thanks for sharing. It will do the job as a workaround until this minor bug is fixed and prevent me from having to chase after the binmen with my wheelie bin!!
Hi @jackwilsdon I just thought I'd check in to let you know that your workaround works perfectly. Thank you for sharing.
This will be fixed in the next release - tested and no need for the workaround any more