MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider copied to clipboard

Live rendering of Mapbox Styled-Vector tiles within Cesium


A Mapbox Styled Vector Tile plugin for the Cesium map client. Please note that this project is in the very early stages of development. Please get in touch if you feel as though you can contribute. Javascript is not my first language and I am not an expert in Spatial systems or Cesium.

MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider


I have not yet created an NPM package as I do not feel that it is yet mature enough. For now you can just check out my source code into CESIUM's node_modules folder and run from there, or if using a release build of CESIUM, check out into the BUILD folder.

//TODO: npm install @robbo1975/MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider


import MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider from '../node_modules/@robbo1975/index.js';
var mapbox = new MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider({
  url : '{z}/{y}/{x}.pbf',
  styleUrl : ''

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", {
  imageryProvider: mapbox


//TODO: npm test


Please contact me at [email protected]