XMPPFramework copied to clipboard
Enable Bitcode = NO
I simply use Podfile below
platform :ios, '8.0' use_frameworks! pod 'MMXXMPPFramework', '~> 3.6.13'
to down the XMPPFramework.
And copied the framework to my test project through the six step.
Therefore, I've meet two trouble and had solved it.
And at the last, the project run perfect in simulator.
Then I tried a generic iOS device, iPhone 5s, it get a error, the description below
ld:'/Users/yunie/Documents/workSpace/TestProject/NewTestXMPP/NewTestXMPP/ThirdPart/MMXXMPPFramework/Vendor/libidn/libidn.a(stringprep.o)' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. for architecture arm64
So I setted ENABLE_BITCODE = NO, the project run with no error.
What should I do while I need to set ENABLE_BITCODE = YES?
You need to rebuild libidn.a. Look at build-libidn.sh, add OTHER_CFLAGS="-fembed-bitcode" into ./configure command and run it again. Hope that help
Hello, @sahara108! I am doing what you suggested, but receiving the following error in my bash:
I configured build script like so:
./configure --disable-shared --enable-static ${EXTRA_CONFIG} \
--prefix="${INTERDIR}/${PLATFORM}${SDKVERSION}-${ARCH}.sdk" \
CC="${CCACHE}${DEVELOPER}/Platforms/${PLATFORM}.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc -arch ${ARCH}" \
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS ${EXTRA_CFLAGS} -I${OUTPUTDIR}/include -isysroot ${DEVELOPER}/Platforms/${PLATFORM}.platform/Developer/SDKs/${PLATFORM}${SDKVERSION}.sdk" \
CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I${OUTPUTDIR}/include -isysroot ${DEVELOPER}/Platforms/${PLATFORM}.platform/Developer/SDKs/${PLATFORM}${SDKVERSION}.sdk"
# Build the application and install it to the fake SDK intermediary dir
# we have set up. Make sure to clean up afterward because we will re-use
# this source tree to cross-compile other targets.
make -j2
make install
make clean
What's wrong then? Thanks in advance!
Xcode doesn't use gcc anymore. You need to change CC flag to use clang
CC="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang -arch ${ARCH}" \
@sahara108 I have changed compiler like you said, but the error is the same. It looks like it can't find some directory in archive that was downloaded
Yes. It looks like the script get error when trying to download the library. You can manually download the source code and put it in Vendor/libidn/build/src and run the script again. Download link in the script: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libidn/libidn-1.25.tar.gz
Hi @efimovdk @sahara108 Were you able to achieve libidn with bitcode enabled for arm64.
Yes, I was able to compile and use it in my application. But too long ago, can't recall the detail
Hi @sahara108 Thanks for the early reply. If possible can you recall which command line tool you have used ? I am getting this error. configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables