XMPPFramework icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
XMPPFramework copied to clipboard

An XMPP Framework in Objective-C for Mac and iOS

Results 121 XMPPFramework issues
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After: - SCRAM-SHA-1 Can you add supports of : - SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA-224 - SCRAM-SHA-224-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA-256 - SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA-384 - SCRAM-SHA-384-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA-512 - SCRAM-SHA-512-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA3-512 -...

We are using Openfire as our backend server and enabled with 5223 port for secure communication, What are the steps to enable 5223 communication ? Thanks

While I investigated the issue nil case is not handled in method ** (NSString *)XMLStringWithOptions:(NSUInteger)options ** . ``` xmlString = [NSMutableString stringWithUTF8String:(const char *)bufferPtr->content]; // Below line is main culprit,...

Hi, I can see multiple crashes in my organizer window for the XMPPStreamManagement.m class after enabling stream management. They aren't reproducible for me but these have been reported by different...

Hi All, I am sending(broadcast) typing stanza(from iOS) to Group, My typing stanza is &ltmessage to="[email protected]" type="groupchat" messagetype="100" category="chat" xmlns="jabber:client" groupid="un-groupid" chatstate="composing" sendername="A"&gt&ltbody&gtcomposing&lt/body/&gt&lt/message&gt. Typing stanza received on same simulator from...

In my Swift app i'm trying to connect with my server but in _xmppStreamDidStartNegotiation_ i receive this error: "Document is empty". I think it's a connection problem but with this...

if i create one group and add members using `inviteUser` and add `editPrivileges` as a Member. My question is I create one group and add members without member consent? @vitalyster

Hi, I'm signing into the app and created the MUC room and joining the room. I'm only getting 20 messages, but in my MUC room have more than 20. What...

Hi, I'm signing into the app and created the MUC room and joining the room. I'm only getting 20 messages, but in my MUC room have more than 20. What...

As we bring up the client, we have noticed the connection bouncing up and down a few times before the connection stays up. After further investigation, this seems to be...