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Stdpp 1.7.0
The main thing with supporting std++ 1.7 and Coq 8.15.0 was another typeclass resolution problem. In the 4 refinement goals, it resolves to (@ptr_type_check K (@rank_eq_dec K (@int_coding K (@env_type_env K H))) H)
instead of (@ptr_type_check K EqDecision0 H)
. I think this change is caused by Coq 8.15, but I have trouble figuring out why.
The other two are small renames. These do prevent backwards compatibility.
Thanks for this!
With regard to your question, Coq has issues automatically infering the Decision
instance for frozen
. In a previous PR, you hacked around that using an unfold
and auto with typeclass_instances
, but that hack backfired now :joy:.
I am not sure why Coq fails to infer that Decision
instance for frozen
, but in general it's good taste to make such definitions TC opaque and re-declare instances. Here's a patch that does that:
diff --git a/memory/pointer_bits.v b/memory/pointer_bits.v
index 21d78f4..616643a 100644
--- a/memory/pointer_bits.v
+++ b/memory/pointer_bits.v
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ Implicit Types pbs : list (ptr_bit K).
#[global] Instance ptr_bit_valid_dec ΓΔ (pb : ptr_bit K) : Decision (✓{ΓΔ} pb).
- match Some_dec (@type_check _ _ _ (@ptr_type_check K EqDecision0 H) ΓΔ (frag_item pb)) with
+ match Some_dec (type_check ΓΔ (frag_item pb)) with
| inleft (τ↾Hτ) => cast_if_and (decide (frozen (frag_item pb)))
(decide (frag_index pb < bit_size_of (ΓΔ.1) (τ.*)))
| inright Hτ => right _
- end; unfold frozen; auto with typeclass_instances;
+ end;
destruct ΓΔ; first
[ simplify_type_equality; econstructor; eauto
| by destruct 1 as (?&?&?&?); simplify_type_equality ].
diff --git a/memory/references.v b/memory/references.v
index 6deae74..20976da 100644
--- a/memory/references.v
+++ b/memory/references.v
@@ -68,8 +68,11 @@ Inductive ref_typed' `{Env K} (Γ : env K) :
Class Freeze A := freeze: bool → A → A.
Arguments freeze {_ _} _ !_ /.
Definition frozen `{Freeze A} (x : A) := freeze true x = x.
-Arguments freeze {_ _} _ !_ /.
+#[global] Typeclasses Opaque frozen.
+#[global] Instance frozen_dec `{EqDecision A, Freeze A} (x : A) :
+ Decision (frozen x) := decide (freeze true x = x).
#[global] Instance ref_seg_freeze {K} : Freeze (ref_seg K) := λ β rs,
match rs with