purescript-halogen-storybook icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
purescript-halogen-storybook copied to clipboard

A library to assemble examples or develop components separately.


purescript-halogen-storybook on Pursuit

A library to assemble examples or develop components separately.


You might be interested in purescript-halogen-custom-element which allows embedding Halogen components anywhere in an HTML or Markdown file.

How to use

First define the stories. Each story consists of a name and a component. If the name is empty string, it will be rendered as the index page.

import Foreign.Object as Object
import Halogen.Storybook (Stories, runStorybook, proxy)

stories :: forall m. Stories m
stories = Object.fromFoldable
  [ Tuple "" $ proxy ExpIndex.component -- override the index page
  , Tuple "count" $ proxy ExpCount.component
  , Tuple "input" $ proxy ExpInput.component

Then add a runStorybook line to your main function. That's it.

main = HA.runHalogenAff do
  HA.awaitBody >>=
      { stories
      , logo: Nothing  -- pass `Just HH.PlainHTML` to override the logo

You need to include the CSS by yourself, use Storybook.css as an example.