@jondot , As the issue raised by you depends on the functionality, which Beam currently doesn't support, please confirm if we can close this issue, or if you want it...
@srinivasaraov, Can you please check the source code of [get_feature_value_slicer](https://github.com/tensorflow/data-validation/blob/master/tensorflow_data_validation/utils/slicing_util.py) along with the description of that function, and let us know if it helps. Thanks!
@sfujiwara, Can you please share the Error Message. Thanks!
@JakeTheWise, We currently, can check if Serving Data has Anomalies using the below code: ``` serving_stats = tfdv.generate_statistics_from_tfrecord(data_location=serving_data_path) serving_anomalies = tfdv.validate_statistics(serving_stats, schema) ``` For more information, please refer this [TFDV...
@KamalAman, Can you please let us know if @1025's comment has addressed your use case, so that we can close this issue. Thanks!
@drzl386, Can you please respond to @1025KB's comment. Thanks!
@aliisaiid98, Please refer this [Github Repository](https://github.com/jiuqiant/mediapipe_python_aarch64) for the detailed information. Thanks!
Can you please check [this link](https://www.tensorflow.org/tfx/serving/saved_model_warmup) about Lazy Loading (Warm Starting) and let us know if it helps.
@kimjuny , Sorry for the misunderstanding. Can you please elaborate your question so that we can provide better support.
@snehpandya123, Can you please elaborate on what exactly you want to do. Thanks!