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Observer is null for relaySubscriptionHandler
Hi @rmosolgo, currently (if I don't get it terribly wrong), createRelaySubscriptionHandler
doens't pass an observer to Relay Network layer, resulting in an Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'onNext' of undefined
Offending lines
received: function (payload) {
// When we get a response, send the update to `observer`
var result = payload.result;
if (result && result.errors) {
// What kind of error stuff belongs here?
else if (result) {
observer.onNext({ data: });
if (!payload.more) {
// Subscription is finished
observer is undefined. Am I doing something wrong? If yes, maybe some additional comments in docs can be helpful (let me know if you accept PR) Thanks!
version: 1.10.5
(or other framework): 6
version: 0.5.4
: 9.0.0
: ^4.2.0`
We're using intepreters, it happens with any query / subscription
GraphQL query
subscription NewMessageSubscription {
messageCreated {
We use react-relay-network-modern setup as follow:
const subscribeFn = createRelaySubscriptionHandler({
cable: consumer,
const network = new RelayNetworkLayer(
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? loggerMiddleware() : null,
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? errorMiddleware() : null,
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? perfMiddleware() : null,
const source = new RecordSource();
const store = new Store(source);
const environment = new Environment({
It looks like that function expects observer
to be given as an argument:
Could you please share the full error message and backtrace?
let me know if you accept PR
TypeError: source.subscribe is not a function
at new Executor (RelayModernQueryExecutor.js:97)
at Object.execute (RelayModernQueryExecutor.js:48)
at RelayModernEnvironment.js:270
at _subscribe (RelayObservable.js:580)
at RelayObservable.subscribe (RelayObservable.js:281)
at RelayObservable.js:196
at _subscribe (RelayObservable.js:580)
at RelayObservable.subscribe (RelayObservable.js:281)
at RelayObservable.js:293
at _subscribe (RelayObservable.js:580) "
Since subscribeFn is passed to ReactRelayNetworkModern it may also be an issue with how this function is handled by this Network Layer
The function created by createActionCableHandler seems ok
export type SubscribeFunction = (
operation: ConcreteBatch,
variables: Variables,
cacheConfig: CacheConfig,
observer: any
) => RelayObservable<QueryPayload> | Disposable;
but observer can't be created with this function's options...
just came to report this, see also:
i'm working on a pr locally as well.
I've run into this as well. @modosc have you been able to solve this?
I was having this error too with subscriptionFn in modern relay. The solution was to add a "subscribe"property , with a "dispose" property too, in the object I was returning in my function.
const setupSubscription = (
config: any,
variables: any,
cacheConfig: any,
observer: any
) => {
console.log('config: ', config, 'variables: ', variables, 'cacheConfig: ', cacheConfig, 'observer: ', observer);
const subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient(
reconnect: true,
connectionParams: {
authorization: localStorage.getItem('authToken')
lazy: true
const query = config.text;
const client = subscriptionClient.request({ query, variables });
console.log('client observable: ', client);
let subscription: any;
return {
subscribe: (observer: any) => {
console.log('observer: ', observer);
subscription = client.subscribe(observer);
dispose: () => {
Did anyone solve this? I'm having the same problem with the ActionCable subscription handler. Modifying the returned object to have a subscribe
property did not help.
Sorry, I'm not sure if this is still a problem 😖 If you run into this again, please open a new issue and we can investigate again!