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Implemented yourtime plugin
Put simply, the yourtime plugin allows users to set their current timezone via;
.myzone gmt+8
and for other users to determine another users current time via
.yourtime Lord_DeathMatch
Currently uses user supplied timezone without extra computation; ie, dst is not accounted for. If it must be implemented before you will merge, let me know :) (i am Lord_Deathmatch on IRC)
I have looked at the PyTZ library as you requested, and have thought about implementation. From the onset, however, i believe it would be too fiddly to implement correctly. Rather than having the user recall a simple number, the user must recall and correctly spell (harder for some than you might imagine) a timezone name, such as Australia/Perth
Example code follows
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone, utc
utc_dt =
loc_dt = utc_dt.astimezone(timezone('Australia/Perth'))
fmt = 'For Lord_DeathMatch it is %A in the month of %B, %I:%M%p %Z (%z)'
print loc_dt.strftime(fmt)
which outputs;
For Lord_DeathMatch it is Saturday in the month of October, 09:08PM WST (+0800)
which, compared to the current implementation is quite nice and small;
from datetime import timedelta, datetime, tzinfo
class GMT(tzinfo):
def __init__(self, difference):
self.difference = difference
def utcoffset(self, dt):
return timedelta(hours=self.difference) + self.dst(dt)
def dst(self, dt):
return timedelta(0)
which outputs
Sat Oct 27 21:09:29 2012
I have given it some thought, and i have resolved that this would be best implemented using PyTZ and a timezone listing hosted online that skybot refers users to when they input an invalid timezone.
You could search PyTZ.common_timezones for a match to whatever the user entered.
Another idea is to fold this into the weather plugin, which already remembers locations that people passed it. The wunderground API results include a timezone field.
I would really rather not restrict users to simple the common time zones; i would rather use all_timezones
instead (hackers are everywhere :P)
The weather plugin integration would be a little fiddlesome; if I had to use it, I would re-work it so that it uses a command that is shared between the weather plugin and the yourtime plugin. And such a command is already implemented in the yourtime plugin.
I just looked at the description for all_timezones
and agree it would be more useful to use up to date timezones.