RepeatMasker copied to clipboard
Cannot determine engine variant and version!
I can run RepeatMasker successfully, but I met the question below when I run the same datastes with RepeatProteinMask.
Identifying Simple and Low Complexity Repeats...(masking turned off)
- Tandem Repeats: 3559 Masking Repeat Proteins... WUBlastXSearchEngine::setPathToEngine( /home/pearlmillet/miniconda3/bin/blastx ): Cannot determine engine variant and version! at /home/pearlmillet/miniconda3/bin/RepeatProteinMask line 344.
The version of RepeatProteinMask is 4.1.2
I am looking forward your reply.
The default search engine for RepeatProteinMask
is AB-BLAST. If you want to use RMBlast for searching instead, you should add the arguments -e ncbi
to the command line.
I think we ought to make RepeatProteinMask
to respect the configured default search engine.
Hey, did you fix the problem later?I had the same problem