Ryan McCue

Results 221 comments of Ryan McCue

Are you reading/writing data from/to uploads? Reading objects will have a round-trip time penalty which could easily lead to this sort of behaviour (which would also happen with eg NFS...

I believe the way the files are pushed via the API means that the file is created at zero bytes, then ACLs are applied, then the content is populated. (You...

Just to check, are you on multisite? If so, did you network-activate the plugin or use mu-plugins? Also, you'll need to use the same site URL with `--url` via the...

Hi @eirisdg, and thanks for using S3 Uploads. :) Our plugins follow a general policy of [aiming for completion](http://engineering.hmn.md/how-we-work/philosophy/completion/), and hence generally not adding too many features. While it'd be...

@jakejackson1 If we can add support for EWWW easily and in a non-specific-to-EWWW way, we can certainly add that. We don't use it at HM (we use [Tachyon](https://github.com/humanmade/tachyon-plugin) instead), so...

> And, Tachyon could be used in other websites? The readme file is not very clear and I don't know how to use it. You can absolutely run Tachyon yourself,...

We haven't tested with WP Smush, but if they're using the standard hooks in WordPress to implement this, it should.

The main thing that S3 Uploads does is hook into `uploads_dir` to change it from a regular path (`/var/www/wp-content/uploads` e.g.) to a stream wrapper path (`s3://yourbucket`). There are a number...

Note that your configuration should be ```php define( 'S3_UPLOADS_USE_LOCAL', true ); ``` (No quotes around the true value.) `fopen('', 'wb')` seems suspicious, and would indicate you're hitting this conditional: https://github.com/humanmade/S3-Uploads/blob/cafb1d4436c65f12c722ff0e8a900ca8b1bbd683/inc/class-local-stream-wrapper.php#L148-L152...

Hmm, this seems to indicate that the Composer autoloader hasn't been loaded correctly. Are you using manual-install while also using the AWS SDK elsewhere in your project?