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Enabling and Disabling localization in a UWSN simulation.
Dear Robert Martin,
In fact, it is not at all a bug or issue. Simply it is a doubt. I could not find any other person who can provide an answer to this doubt. So, I am raising it as a 'Issue' here. -Sorry.
The mentioned about new localization feature available in aquasim-ng.
It seems that the '' has AquaSimRBLocalization (Range-based localization) and it can be used to set a node as RefNode" to "Set as a reference node for localization" - but there is confusion in using this since there is no documentation available for it.
But, as well as the pdf documents of aquasim-ng were not showing any example case of using localization in a simulation.
- How to enable and disable localization in a UWSN simulation?
- If localization is enabled, then how to select one particular localization algorithm in a simulation?
- If we are not enabling localization in a scenario that is using VBF, then it will use the exact locations provided by ns-3. Correct? If localization is enabled, will VBF use the estimated locations provided by the localization algorithm,?
- If a VBF scenario runs (a) with and (b) without the localization algorithm, then theoretically, the overall performance of VBF in the case 'a' ( with localization) will be a little bit poor than that of 'b' (with localization) - because, localization will only provide approximate, estimated location but ns-3 will provide ideal, exact locations. - am I correct?
- Is the present implementation of range-based and range-free localization algorithms could be used in a UWSN simulation?
- Further, the in the helper functions, the time synchronization and localization-related lines are commented. //Ptr<AquaSimSync> sync = m_sync.Create<AquaSimSync>(); //Ptr<AquaSimLocalization> loc = m_localization.Create<AquaSimLocalization>(); //device->SetMac(mac,sync,loc); should we uncomment those lines to make use of localization?
Of course, it may be possible to use localization features on a trial-and-error basis. But, your answers may help one to use them in a correct, authentic way.
Charles Pandian