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ParallelClusterMaker is a command line toolkit for automating the creation and destruction of AWS ParallelCluster stacks.

ParallelClusterMaker - HPC Cloud Automation

License Information

Please refer to the LICENSE document included with this Open Source software for the specific terms and conditions that govern its use.


By using this Open Source software:

  • You accept all potential risks involved with your use of this Open Source software.

  • You agree that the author shall have no responsibility or liability for any losses or damages incurred in conjunction with your use of this Open Source Software.

  • You acknowledge that bugs may still be present, unexpected behavior might be observed, and some features may not be completely documented.

This Open Source software is authored by Rodney Marable in his individual capacity and is neither endorsed nor supported by Amazon Web Services.

You cannot create cases with AWS Technical Support or engage AWS support engineers in public forums if you have any questions, problems, or issues using this Open Source software.

"Play at your own risk!"
 -- Planet Patrol

About ParallelClusterMaker

ParallelClusterMaker is an Open Source command line wrapper toolkit that makes it easier to automate the creation and destruction of AWS ParallelCluster stacks. It is designed to enable scientists and engineers to leverage HPC in the cloud without requiring deep infrastructure knowledge, is a useful teaching tool for those looking to deepen their knowledge about the AWS environment, and is also intended to reduce the administrative burden required for DevOps teams to support HPC stakeholders.

You can find more information about AWS ParallelCluster by visiting:

  • Documentation:
  • Github Repository:

The ParallelClusterMaker Github repository contains two project subdirectories:

  • JumphostMaker creates a dedicated free tier EC2 instance that can be used to build and maintain AWS ParallelCluster stacks.

Our recommended best practice is to use JumphostMaker to create a standalone EC2 instance for launching new stacks with ClusterMaker.

  • ClusterMaker builds and destroys AWS ParallelCluster stacks.

ClusterMaker can be run from a local OSX or Linux environment ut the operator is strongly urged to use JumphostMaker to first stand up a standalone EC2 instance or to use a Docker container for building and administering ParallelCluster environments.

Please consult the file for some suggestions on how to use ParallelClusterMaker's command line arguments to satisfy a variety of HPC use cases.

Note to DevOps Teams

As noted above, ParallelClusterMaker is intended to reduce the administrative burden required for DevOps teams to support HPC stakeholders. This empowers scientists, engineers, and analysts by letting them conduct HPC operations at massive scale without needing assistance from their Devops team.

  • JumphostMaker and ParallelClusterMaker do not make any changes to the existing networking environment already present in the operator's AWS account.

    • These tools do not create new VPCs, subnets, Internet or NAT gateways, routes, or Transit Gateways.
    • They do not modify Route53 configurations, change default routes, or otherwise impact or deploy any infrastructure that is not explicitly documented or easily inferred from a review of the source code.
  • JumphostMaker and ParallelClusterMaker do create IAM roles, policies, and instance templates that are individualized for each jumphost and cluster stack.

    • These JSON templates are located in the templates/ subdirectory and contain all required IAM permissions for both tools. They can be easily customized to fit any HPC use case.
    • If you run into permissions problems building stacks, it's usually because of an IAM issue. When speaking with your DevOps professionals, it is suggested that you share this template which outlines all of the necessary permisisons to build a cluster or jumphost and work with them to craft an appropriate solution for your environment.

ParallelClusterMaker Features

ParallelClusterMaker supports the following features through its command line interface:

  • Building new ParallelCluster stacks using a Docker container or a dedicated EC2 jumphost.

  • User-configurable time-based cron-style cluster life cycle management that causes stacks to self-terminate when --cluster_lifetime has been exceeded. The default is 14 days.

  • Command line designation of dev, test, stage, and prod operating levels.

  • Administrative control over the allowed EC2 instance types for the admin and compute node roles.

  • Job scheduling with AWS Batch, Grid Engine, Torque, or Slurm.

  • Separate selectable instance types for the master and compute instances.

  • User selection of "optimal" instances when AWS Batch is selected as a scheduler. Additionally, the user is free to select any of the EC2 instances that Batch supports for building computational environments.

  • Identification of the cluster's owner, email address, and department using an easily extendable tagging framework. The cluster can also be associated with a specific project identification tag.

  • Deployment into any VPC with valid subnets and a Name tag.

  • Custom AMIs.

  • Adjustable EC2 autoscaling configuration.

  • Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) enablement for supported EC2 instance types.

  • Dynamic EC2 placement groups.

  • Selective disabling of Intel HyperThreading (note: this feature is currently available only on Amazon Linux).

  • Default selection of EC2 Spot instances with a pricing buffer to help prevent instance termination due to spot price market fluctuations.

  • Customization of Grid Engine parallel environments.

  • Optional inclusion of a customizable HPC performance script repository to enable immediate "quick and dirty" comparative testing of traditional HPC schedulers (Grid Engine, Slurm, and Torque). Support for AWS Batch will be provided in a future release.

  • Variable EBS volume sizes (up to 16 TB).

  • Variable-sized shared EBS scratch mounted as /local_scratch on all cluster instances.

  • Creation of cluster-specific Amazon Elastic File System (EFS).

  • Encryption of EFS in transit and at rest.

  • Creation of cluster-specific, custom-sized Amazon FSX for Lustre (FSxL) file systems. Caveat: the file size of any Lustre file system must be divisible by 3600.

  • Support for hydrating and dehydrating the Lustre file system from pre-existing S3 buckets.

  • Automounting of external NFS file systems from Vast, EMC, Netapp, Qumulo, WekaIO, Panzura, Nasuni, etc.

  • Email notifications via SNS whenever ParallelClusterMaker is executed.

  • Selective enablement of Ganglia for capturing cluster metrics.

  • Operability in Turbot ( environments.

  • Inclusion of the Spack package manager ( for lmod-style Linux software module support.

  • Inclusion of a standard submission script for Grid Engine clusters that can be customized for your specific use case. Support for other schedulers will be added in future releases.

Installation of ParallelClusterMaker for the Impatient

Please read the document for detailed guidance and instructions on how to install ParallelClusterMaker using an EC2 jumphost (the preferred method) or locally on OSX.

These instructions are provided for the impatient and/or lazy.

It is strongly suggested that the reader carefully review the installation documentation ( to avoid potentially costly and time-consuming mistakes.

Building an Installation Environment on EC2

To properly build a ParallelClusterMaker environment on EC2, please refer to the guidelines in the file ("Building an installation environment on EC2").

Please note that this is the **recommended** way to leverage this toolkit.
  • Install and enable a virtual Python environment with either virtualenv or pyenv.

  • Install the required Python libraries in ParallelClusterMaker/JumphostMaker.

  • Run ParallelClusterMaker/Jumphost/ with appropriate command line switches.

  • Login to the jumphost.

  • cd into the ParallelClusterMaker/ClusterMaker directory and start creating new ParallelCluster stacks. Please see the "Building New ParallelCluster Stacks" section below for additional guidance.

Building an Installation Environment on OSX

Please note that this is not the recommended method and may seriously damage your local OSX environment.

It is strongly recommended that you refer to the guidelines outlined in "Building an Installation Environment on OSX" in the file to build a ParallelClusterMaker environment on OSX.

"Play at your own risk!" -- Planet Patrol

  • Install Homebrew.

  • Install the following tools:

    • python-3.7 (with pip)
    • Docker
    • ansible
    • autoconf
    • automake
    • gcc
    • jq
    • libtool
    • make
    • nvm
    • node
    • readline
    • serverless
  • Configure the AWS CLI.

  • Ensure that the IAM account or role you are using to build ParallelCluster stacks has permission to run the required API calls by either assigning it admin rights or creating a custom role using this template as a source:


  • Install and activate a virtual Python environment using virtualenv or pyenv.

  • Install all required Python libraries into the virtual environment using the included requirements.txt file in each toolkit subdirectory once the virtual Python environment is available.

  • Install the Serverless Toolkit and its dependencies.

  • Apply a name Tag to the VPC(s) within any region you wish to deploy cluster stacks using the Management Console or the AWS CLI.

  • cd into the ParallelClusterMaker/ClusterMaker directory and start building new ParallelCluster stacks. Please see below for additional guidance.

Building New ParallelCluster Stacks

After satisfying the installation and system requirements outlined above, use "" to build new ParallelCluster stacks. If building from a local OSX environment, please remember to change into the proper subdirectory beforehand (~/src/ParallelClusterMaker/ClusterMaker). This example will create a new cluster named rmarable-test01 in us-east-1a using the toolkit defaults:

$ ./ -N test01 -O rmarable -E [email protected] -A us-east-1a

A new deployment will typically take between 30-45 minutes to complete. When the new cluster becomes available, make an SSH connection to the IP address of the master instance using the command:

$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                         [--prod_level PROD_LEVEL] Provide quick SSH access to CFNCluster head nodes

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME, -N CLUSTER_NAME
                        full name of the cluster (example: rmarable-stage02)
  --prod_level PROD_LEVEL, -P PROD_LEVEL
                        production state of the cluster (default = dev)

To access the cluster built above via SSH:

$ ./ -N rmarable-test01
Connecting to the head node of rmarable-test01 over ssh...
Last login: Sat Jul 21 23:13:35 2018 from

Using the HPC Performance Toolkit

ParallelClusterMaker provides an optional suite of performance tests that are included with new ParallelCluster stacks when the appropriate option (--enable_hpc_performance_tests=true) is invoked at installation. These scripts live in ~/src/ParallelClusterMaker/ClusterMaker/performance but come with the following caveats that will be addressed in future releases:

  • AWS Batch is not currently supported.

  • Cluster submission scripts for Torque support are not provided.

Extensive documentation for these tests are included in the "performance" subdirectory as README files.

This example submits 10 of the hashtest jobs to a Grid Engine cluster:

$ cd src/ParallelClusterMaker/ClusterMaker/performance/rmarable-test01
$ qsub


ParallelCluster uses Ganglia for monitoring cluster stacks. You can find more information about thsi software by visiting:

Setting --enable_ganglia=true will install and enable Ganglia on the master instance. This option currently permits traffic to port 80 from the Internet, so please consider this carefully if your clusters are operating in an environment where security is a priority. A future release will provide more flexibility for controlling http access.

Managing EC2 Key Pairs for Cluster Stacks

ParallelCluster creates a unique EC2 key pair for each cluster stack and EC2 jumphost, storing the respective resulting PEM files in cluster_data_dir and instance_data_dir. By using the provided "" (for clusters) or "" scripts, HPC operators are abstracted from the need to interact directly with a PEM key.

Shared clusters will need a mechanism to either distribute the PEM file in a secure fashion.

The kill_cluster and kill_pcluster_jumphost scripts will delete the respective EC2 key pairs as part of the cluster or jumphost destruction process.

Deleting ParallelClusterMaker Resources

There are three ways to delete a cluster stack:

  1. Manual deletion: Manually delete the Cloudformation template, EC2 security groups, EFS file systems, FSxL file systems, and custom EC2 IAM roles associated with this ParallelCluster stack using the AWS Management Console or the appropriate API calls.

Please note that manual stack deletion requires many mouse clicks (if using the AWS Management Console) or keystrokes (if using AWS API calls). This method is error-prone, time consuming, and thus is NOT a recommended best practice.

  1. Run the script from your local environment. This tool can also be used to clean up artifacts from previous builds or in situations where the the ParallelCluster stack has exceeded cluster_lifetime and self-terminates. To delete the cluster that created in the example above:

$ ./ -N test01 -O rmarable -A us-east-1a

Destroying a cluster will take between 5-10 minutes depending on the number and type of instances deployed, whether EFS file systems are associated with the cluster, etc.

  1. Wait for cluster_lifetime to take over: Just hang out and wait. All ParallelCluster stacks are built with a default 30-day lifetime but this can be changed by invoking --cluster_lifetime=x:y:z where x = days, y = hours, and z = minutes to dictate exactly how long this stack should live. In the example below, rmarable-test01 will self-terminate in 12 hours without any additional user (or DevOps) intervention:
$ ./ -N test01 -O rmarable -E [email protected] -A us-east-1a --cluster_lifetime="0:12:0"

A notification will be sent to cluster_owner_email over SNS when a cluster stack termination event occurrs. The user can then run to remove artifacts associated with the deleted stack from the local environment.

Any EFS or FSxL file systems associated with this cluster will also be terminated along with the cluster stack.

If the Lambda script is used to destroy the cluster when cluster_lifetime has exceeded, the script should still be run to clean up any artifacts that still remain.

After the ParallelCluster stack has been deleted, the pcluster jumphost can also be deleted by running the kill-pcluster-jumphost.$ script found in your local ParallelClusterMaker/Jumphost directory, i.e. the directory on your working computer from which the jumphost was originally spawned.

$ cd ~/src/ParallelClusterMaker/JumphostMaker
$ ./kill-pcluster-jumphost.$

Cluster and Jumphost Serial Numbers

ParallelClusterMaker generates unique "serial numbers" for every EC2 jumphost and ParallelCluster stack that are used for resource tagging and to associate IAM roles and policies, EC2 instance profiles, and SNS topic names with each individual entity.

The kill-cluster and kill-pcluster-jumphost scripts also use these unique serial numbers to remove the aforementioned resources when a jumphost EC2 instance ParallelClusterMaker stack is deleted. This makes it easier for devops engineers to manage multiple HPC users in a single AWS account and to run detailed usage reports for individual cluster stacks.


A notification will be sent to the cluster_owner when a stack construction event has concluded via SNS. If this is the first new stack you have created, please make sure to "confirm" membership to the SNS topic that is created to track major cluster events after it is emailed to cluster_owner_email.

The SNS topic associated with the jumphost or cluster stack will be deleted by the kill-cluster or kill-pcluster-jumphost scripts.

Local Scratch Space

By default, all instances will have a /local_scratch directory that allows the operator to leverage the local EBS volume as ephemeral scratch space. This provides maximum flexibility as the cluster can utilize local SSD, shared EBS, FSxL, EFS, or any storage combination thereof to support multiple use cases.

The maximum available size of the /local_scratch disk is as follows:

{{ local_scratch }} = {{ ebs_volume_size }} - {{ Linux_OS + system_tools }}

Shared RAID EBS volumes are not currently supported by ParallelClusterMaker. This may be addressed in a future release. If greater performance from the shared storage is required, the operator is encouraged to use EFS max_io or FSxL instead.

Elastic File System (EFS) Support

EFS can be used as a shared storage option for ParallelCluster by setting --enable_efs=true. Creating a new EFS file system and mount target will add an extra 5-7 minutes to the overall cluster stack creation process.

/efs will be created and mounted by all instances in the new cluster stack.

This toolkit will build only one EFS file system which will be deleted along along with the cluster stack. To override this behavior, set --delete_efs to false when invoking Support for multiple EFS file systems may be added in a future release.

To find more information about ParallelCluster's implementation of EFS, please consult the official documentation:

Support for encryption and selecting between max_io and general_purpose modes can be enabled by setting the appropriate command line switches to true.

As of 4/20/2019, provisioning a 1024 MiB/sec file system costs approximately $6,200/month. For that reason, efs_throughput_mode has been completely disabled to prevent unexpected and unpleasant surprises with the AWS bill. This will be re-enabled as a future update.

FSx for Lustre (FSxL) Support

FSx for Lustre (FSxL) can be leveraged for scratch space on a ParallelCluster stack by setting --enable_fsx=true. All cluster instances will mount the resulting FSxL file system at /fsx.

The minimum permitted file system size is 3600 GB (or 3.6 TB). This is the current default. Larger file systems can be built by setting --fsx_size to the desired value in increments of 3600 GB. The build process will abort if presented with an incorrect value for fsx_size.

FSxL on Ubuntu is not currently supported by ParallelClusterMaker.

ParallelClusterMaker also supports hydration and dehyration of Lustre file systems using pre-existing S3 buckets as outlined in the AWS public documentation:

To enable this functionality, set values for the following parameters:

* --fsx_s3_import_bucket
* --fsx_s3_import_path
* --fsx_s3_export_bucket
* --fsx_s3_export_path

The script will fail is the import bucket and path cannot be located or if an export bucket and path are defined and cannot be found. The Lustre file system will hydrate to and from the import bucket if the export bucket is undefined. The script also supports using the same bucket with separate import and export paths.

Please note that automatic Lustre dehydration at the time of the cluster's deletion is not supported. This feature may be provided in a future release.

The FSx chunk size, import and export paths, and bucket names can all be configured through ParallelClusterMaker switches. In the example below, a cluster called "louievega" will hydrate its 7.2 TB Lustre file system from s3://s3DataImportBucket and dehydrate to s3://s3DataExportBucket, using a chunk size of 5 GB:

$ ./ -A us-west-2b -E [email protected] -O rmarable -N louievega --enable_fsx=true --fsx_size=7200 --enable_fsx_hydration=true --fsx_s3_import_bucket=s3DataImportBucket --fsx_s3_export_bucket=s3DataExportBucket --fsx_chunk_size=5000

Please consult for command line examples reflecting some other relevant use cases.

Mounting External NFS Servers

Support for external NFS access is configured in the "create_pcluster.yml" and "delete_pcluster.yml" playbooks.

The cluster mount points are listed in a Jinja2 template file:

$ cat ClusterMaker/templates/external_nfs_mount_list.j2
# Name:		external_nfs_mount_list.{{ cluster_name }}.conf
# Author:	Rodney Marable <[email protected]>
# Created On:	May 21, 2019
# Last Changed:	May 21, 2019
# Deployed On:	{{ lookup('pipe','date \"+%B %-d, %Y\"') }}
# Purpose:	List NFS external file systems to be mounted by
# Notes:	Comment out lines that don't contain a file system mount point

This example would mount the file systems described in the aforementioned template from an external NFS file system called "" onto all instances of a ParallelClusterMaker-spawned stack:

--enable_external_nfs=true and

The template can easily by customized for your environment by uncommenting any of the existing file systems or by adding others as needed. Please do NOT enable this feature without having a working external NFS file system that is properly configured to share these file systems with cluster instances in the cloud.

Intel HyperThreading

Seeting --hyperthreading=false will disable Intel HyperThreading on Amazon Linux following the guidance provided in this AWS blog posting:

This flag currently has no effect with Ubuntu or CentOS.

This feature will be extended to these operating systems in a future release.

Custom AMIs

ParallelClusterMaker supports custom AMIs through the --custom_ami switch, provided the base_os is supported by ParallelCluster (currently CentOS 6/7, Amazon Linux, and Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 LTS). The base_os of the custom_ami must be supplied with the initial make-cluster invocation, and of course, the custom AMI must exist or the build will fail.

The recommended way to incorporate custom AMIs into a ParallelCluster stack is to build a custom AMI with "pcluster createami" and use this subsequent image ID with the custom_ami switch.

For example, Lustre support for Ubuntu can be enabled by building a AMI with the required Debian kernel packages, Lustre client, and Grub configuration per the public AWS documentation available at:

Assuming an AMI ID of "ami-123456789abc," a Lustre-enabled Ubuntu stack could then be built with ParallelClusterMaker using this command:

$ ./ -N starscream -O rmarable -E [email protected] -A us-west-2a --enable_fsx=true --custom_ami=ami-123456789abc --base_os=ubuntu1604

Similar use cases like encrypted EBS root volumes, custom Linux kernels, or complex local application installations can be supported with this approach.

EC2 Placement Groups

EC2 placement groups can be enabled by setting --placement_group=DYNAMIC. ParallelCluster provides a mechanism for using an already-existing placement group, but this feature is not currently supported by ParallelClusterMaker. This may change in a subsequent release.

ParallelClusterMaker will place the master and compute instances into the same placement group if the master and compute instance types are identical. If not, only the compute instances will be included within the placement group.

More information regarding EC2 placement groups can be found by visiting:

Per the AWS public documentation, please use this option with caution.

Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA)

Support for the new Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) capability can be enabled by setting --enable_efa=true and selecting a both a supported compute instance type (c5n.18xlarge, i3en.24xlarge, and p3dn.24xlarge) and operating system (Amazon Linux, CentOS 7, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS).

EFA requires the compute instances to be spawned into an EC2 placement group. ParallelClusterMaker will create a "dynamic" placement group and handle these configurations transparently. The kill-pcluster script will also destroy the placement group when the cluster is terminated.

Please refer to the AWS public documentation for more information about EFA and EC2 placement groups:

If the operator attempts to enable EFA support with either a non-supported instance type or operating system, the script will fail:

$ ./ -A us-east-1a -N dev01 -O rmarable -E [email protected] --master_instance_type=c5.8xlarge --compute_instance_type=r5.metal --enable_efa=true

Performing parameter validation...

** ERROR **
The selected compute instance type (r5.metal) does not support EFA!

Please refer to the ParallelCluster documentation for more information:


As noted earlier, ParallelClusterMaker does not currently support pre-existing placement groups. This may be revisited in a future release.

HPC Software Packages and Application Support

ParallelClusterMaker automatically includes support for Spack, a package manager that makes it easier to build and maintain multiple versions and configurations of complex HPC software.

More information about Spack can be found by exploring these links:

  • Spack project home page:
  • "The Spack Package Manager: Bringing Order to HPC Software Chaos" (Gamblin, Legendre, Collette, et. al.):

The version of Spack that is provided with these cluster stacks natively supports Lmod, a package manager that for managing environment modules which most HPC engineers will be familiar with if they have ever worked extensivly with onprem environments.

More information about Lmod can be found by exploring these links:


Standard Job Submission Scripts

ParallelClusterMaker includes a standard submission script for Grid Engine clusters in the ec2-user's home directory on the master instance that can be easily customized for many other use cases includuing serial, MPI, and task array jobs.

To submit jobs from EFS, FSxL, or external NFS file systems, simply copy to the desired submission location and edit as needed:

$ mkdir -p /fsx/scratch/scicomp/my_projects
$ vi /home/ec2-user/
$ cp /home/ec2-user/ /fsx/scratch/scicomp/my_projects
$ qsub

Subsequent releases will provide standard submission scripts for the other schedulers supported by AWS ParallelCluster.


The included .gitignore excludes the directories containing the vars_files and state data for the jumphost instances and ParallelCluster stacks created by this toolkit.

If you wish to preserve these files within your own private or internal Git repositories, please modify ParallelClusterMaker/.gitignore accordingly.


All resources associated with traditional schedulers are automatically tagged with the following keys:

ClusterID ClusterSerialNumber ClusterOwner ClusterStackType ClusterOwnerEmail ClusterOwnerDepartment Encryption ProdLevel ProjectID (if defined) DEPLOYMENT_DATE

This includes EC2 instances, EFS and FSxL file systems, Cloudformation stacks, EBS root volumes, SQS queues, etc.

Please note that since the default ParallelCluster IAM rule does not permit EC2CreateTags, EC2DescribeTags, or EC2DeleteTags, EBS root volume tagging may fail when building cluster stacks on OSX. Build ParallelCluster stacks with an EC2 jumphost to avoid this potential issue.

AWS Batch does not currently support post-creation tagging of managed compute environments, so the default tags outlined above will not be visible with this scheduler. However, it is still possible to identify Batch environments using the "Application" tag, which uses "parallelcluster-$CLUSTER_NAME" for its naming $CLUSTER_NAME parameter.

$ aws batch describe-compute-environments | jq '. | select(.computeEnvironment[].computeResources.tags.Application == "parallelcluster-rmarable-batch01")'

In terms of cost tracking, per the AWS Batch public documentation:

Q. What is the pricing for AWS Batch?
There is no additional charge for AWS Batch.  You only pay for the AWS
Resources (e.g. EC2 Instances) you create to store and run your batch jobs.

Identifying Cluster Resources by Department

ParallelClusterMaker currently supports the following "departments" by using the --cluster_owner_department switch:

  • research (default)
  • hpc
  • analytics
  • compchem
  • compbio
  • datasci
  • design
  • clinical
  • commercial
  • development
  • finance
  • infrastructure
  • manufacturing
  • operations
  • proteomics
  • qa
  • robotics
  • scicomp

Identifying Clusters with a Project ID

Operators can use the "--project_id" (or "-P") command line argument to to tag all resources with belonging to a cluster stack or an EC2 jumphost with this value. Please refer to the examples below for adding "projectMayhem" as a tag for which additional cost or consumption data could be generated:

JumphostMaker example:

$ ./ -N jumphost03 -O rmarable -E [email protected] -A us-west-2b --project_id=projectMayhem --cluster_owner_department=compchem --scheduler=sge --ansible_verbosity=-vv

ClusterMaker example:

$ ./ --cluster_name batch019 --cluster_owner rmarable [email protected] --cluster_owner_department=compbio --az=eu-west-1a --project_id=projectMayhem --scheduler awsbatch --desired_vcpus=50

Shared Jumphosts

As of May 2019, permissions to build ParallelCluster stacks when using an EC2 jumphost are provided through a custom IAM EC2 instance profile that restricts certain API calls to resources including instance_owner in their name.

This means multiple users cannot share a jumphost to launch clusters, i.e. "--instance_owner" and "--cluster_owner" must match.

Shared jumphosts between multiple team members will be addressed in a future release. For now, operators are advised to maintain a single jumphost per cluster_owner.


ParallelClusterMaker and JumphostMaker will return errors that are clear and obvious where possible. If you run into issues building jumphosts or cluster stacks, please try the following:

  • Check IAM permissions. Ensure that you are allowed to invoke all of the IAM permissions outlined in these JSON policy documents:
    • ClusterMaker/templates/ParallelClusterInstancePolicy.json_src
    • JumphostMaker/templates/JumphostInstancePolicy.json_src

If IAM is controlled by your organization's DevOps team, please provide them with these templates and request that you be allowed to assume a role that allows these permissions.

  • Spot Market issues. If your cluster fails to build execute nodes due to an inability to acquire spot instances, you will see Ansible errors that look like this:

Status: ComputeFleet - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Status: parallelcluster-rmarable-rimshot - CREATE_FAILED Cluster creation failed. Failed events - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack parallelcluster-rmarable-rimshot The following resource(s) failed to create: [ComputeFleet].

  • AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup ComputeFleet Received 0 SUCCESS signal(s) out of 1. Unable to satisfy 100% MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent requirement

Additional control of Spot market pricing will be provided in future releases. For now, it is suggested to retry the build or use ondemand instances.

Reporting Bugs & Requesting New Features

Please report any bugs, issues, or otherwise unexpected behavior to Rodney Marable [email protected] through the normal Github issue reporting channel for this repository:

Pull requests providing additional functionality or bug fixes are always welcome: