
Results 35 comments of Robert

I would be really interested in using this for one of our projects, but we have pretty strict guidelines for accessibility. You probably already know, but here are some things...

> Instead of allowing to create project in empty folders, the project manager could just ignore hidden files. This again would hide information from and makes assumptions for the user....

The issue isn't limited to the file dialogues. Here are examples of the issue on non-empty UI screens:

In my current project the callback handling works fine the way it currently is, so I don't really have an idea how to improve it. Of course we could simply...

I like the general approach, but I'm not a fan of the table allocation in the draw function `local values = { delegate( "draw" )}` because it produces a ton...

> An ugly hack for the draw issue could be Haha :D I think it's better than creating a ton of tables. I'll try to sit down this weekend and...

> Any new thoughts on this? I see the benefits of it, but I'm not willing to merge the current implementation into ScreenManager as it produces too much garbage for...

I'll keep this open, but for now I'll add the simple consume feature I talked about earlier: ```lua for i = #stack, 1, -1 do local consumed = stack[i]:foo( xyz...

Dead soldiers are removed from the player's faction upon entering the base screen (see 9364b418f74502206ac350f1d9b202b63ab8f4e6). The memorial screen can be delayed.

If the map generator is done, we can provide flags for each prefabs which would tell the map generator which sides should be "street accessible". This also means that for...