jai.vim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jai.vim copied to clipboard

Vim syntax highlighting for Jai programming language. I am planning to maintain and update this package when the language is released


Syntax highlighting for Jonathan Blow's programming language Jai.


By default, case labels are indented. If you don't want that, you can disable it:

let b:jai_indent_options = {'case_labels':0}


If you use pathogen clone this plugin to ~/.vim/bundle

git clone https://github.com/jansedivy/jai.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle

In general, for other plugin managers you have to add configuration line in ~/.vimrc.

" vim-plug
Plug 'rluba/jai.vim'

" NeoBundle
NeoBundle 'rluba/jai.vim'

" Vundle
Plugin 'rluba/jai.vim'

Manual installation

  • copy files to your ~/.vim folder