Robert Lee Gates
Robert Lee Gates
Yes it does. When it does run (on another computer) I get the following output: ``` WARNING: Success: 63007365 Entering DMUMPS 5.2.1 from C interface with JOB, N, NNZ =...
Coming back to this, let us consider this MWE (just the readme example with a different matrix, no `mpirun`): ```julia using MUMPS using MPI MPI.Init() mumps = Mumps{Float64}(mumps_unsymmetric, default_icntl, default_cntl64)...
Yes, we also had the symmetric case work, however we also got that to fail by playing with the sizes. MUMPS3.jl solved the system reliably, so we assume it is...
Yes, installed brewsci-mumps 5.2.1 via homebrew. Both packages reference the same installation. > On 28. Nov 2019, at 18:56, Dominique wrote: > > > Are you using the same...