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An r package for generating beautiful and customizable heatmaps
For example, I want to identify the top 3 values in a bar graph on the right side: ``` v_yr
Add the possibility of using standard deviation or standard error in bar plots/dotplots.
Want to implement a further customization on hline and vline where we can have each line have a different width and color.
Like this: Ideally would be able to stack a few (3 or 4?) on top of each other. Options for col or row axis.
On my mega long (nearly 500 row) heatmap, forcing the hline with `force.grid.hline = T` increases the time to make a plot by a huge amount. I'm going from a...
Hi Rebecca, Great work! What is the linkage and distance metric used in hierarchical clustering? Is Ward linkage an option? Also, when samples are grouped by user-input labels, what is...