Ricardo Lafuente
Ricardo Lafuente
I can definitely live with PNG for the time being, no rush on my side! It's just that it's a pretty common output format that we'll want to support fully...
very likely that it got lost in the gtk2->3 transition, gedit had changed a lot of things... I can look into the new layout of things over the weekend
Code for the test script that generated the above output: ```python size(600,300) def circlepoint(x,y,sz=4): circle(x-sz/2,y-sz/2, sz,sz) def rect_marks(x,y,w,h,roundness=0): # rectangle with marks on the first lineto extremes rect(x,y,w,h,roundness) curve =...
Also of interest is the way Pippin made a round rectangle in this [Cairo example](https://cairographics.org/samples/curve_rectangle/)
yeah, we could go multiple ways. I'll keep this one in the backburner and look at this again after 1.4.
Perhaps adding a note in the docs about how it should be used between 0 and 0.5?
This is a really useful diagram, thank you! Looking at this, the "reasonable" range would indeed be 0-0.5, after which the handles start doing ugly things. I think the simplest...
Fixing the Gedit 2 plugin is still important, since many desktops are still using Gnome/GTK 2 (I'm especially fond of the MATE desktop).
I've moved the OpenCV examples into `tests/bugs` until this is fixed.
Hey, thank you for this update. At this point I think we should just make it clear in the documentation that the `opencv` and `cv2` libraries are unmaintained and probably...