pdfjs copied to clipboard
Table row on new page - height is single line
Hi; the 'first table row' on the 'second page' is just one line height, but should be three. This behavior does not exist on the 'first table row' on 'page three'.
I think probably this is a bug?! It is just one big table.
Hi, this is definitely a bug, I'll look into it! Would you mind sharing the code that created this example PDF?
I tried for a while, but I was unable to create a table that reproduces your issue, so I'd appreciate if you could post the code snippet you've used to create this table 🙏
Hi, it is a bit messy but hopefully it helps out :)
import pdfjs from 'pdfjs';
export default function generatePDF(doc, report, client): void {
doc.footer().pageNumber( (curr, total) => curr + ' / ' + total,
textAlign: 'right'
addRecipient(doc, report.recipient);
addInfoBox(doc, client, report);
addTable(doc, report);
function addHeadline(doc) {
const helveticaBold = require('pdfjs/font/Helvetica-Bold');
const headlineCell = doc.cell({
paddingTop: 3*pdfjs.cm,
paddingBottom: 0.5*pdfjs.cm,
headlineCell.text('Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text', {
fontSize: 16,
font: helveticaBold
function addInfoBox(doc, client, report) {
const moment = require('moment');
const infoBox = doc.cell({
paddingBottom: 0.5*pdfjs.cm,
infoBox.text(`von ${client.clientName}, ${client.zipCode} ${client.city}`);
infoBox.text(`Mgl.-Nr ${client.settings[0].membershipNumber || '-'}`);
infoBox.text(`von ${moment(report.begin).format('DD.MM.YYYY')} bis ${moment(report.end).subtract(1, 'days').format('DD.MM.YYYY')}`);
function addRecipient(doc, recipient: any) {
// push the recipient cell
paddingBottom: 3.5*pdfjs.cm
const recipentCell = doc.cell({
width: 8*pdfjs.cm,
padding: 0.2*pdfjs.cm,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: 0x000000
if (recipient) {
fontSize: 10,
lineHeight: 1.20
.add(`${recipient.zipCode} ${recipient.city}`)
} else {
fontSize: 10,
lineHeight: 1.20
.add('zipCode city')
function addTable(doc, report) {
const helveticaBold = require('pdfjs/font/Helvetica-Bold');
const table = doc.table({
widths: [2.5*pdfjs.cm, 2.8*pdfjs.cm, null, 2.5*pdfjs.cm, 2*pdfjs.cm],
padding: 5,
fontSize: 10,
borderHorizontalWidth: 1
const tr = table.row({
font: helveticaBold,
tr.cell('Text Text Text Text Text');
tr.cell().text('Text Text Text,').text('Ort', {
font: helveticaBold,
fontSize: 10,
tr.cell('Text Text Text');
tr.cell('Text Text Text');
tr.cell().text('abzuf.').text('Betrag', {
font: helveticaBold,
fontSize: 10,
for (const eventGroup of report.settings) {
addEventGroupRow(table, eventGroup.eventGroupName, eventGroup.amount, helveticaBold);
for (const event of eventGroup.events) {
addEventRow(table, event.date, event.location, event.city, event.name, event.amount);
const row = table.row({
font: helveticaBold,
lineHeight: 1.6,
row.cell('Gesamtsumme', {
colspan: 3,
// to fake the last border
borderTopWidth: 1
function addEventGroupRow(table: any, name: string, amount: number, font: string) {
const tr = table.row({ font });
tr.cell(name, { colspan: 3 });
function addEventRow(table, date, location, city, name, amount) {
const moment = require('moment');
const tr = table.row();
tr.cell(location + ', ' + city);
function addSignatureFooter(doc) {
// push
paddingBottom: 2.5*pdfjs.cm
const table = doc.table({
widths: [4.25*pdfjs.cm, null, 4.25*pdfjs.cm, null, 4.25*pdfjs.cm],
const trLines = table.row();
trLines.cell().text('___________________', { textAlign: 'center' });
trLines.cell().text('___________________', { textAlign: 'center' });
trLines.cell().text('___________________', { textAlign: 'center' });
const trLetters = table.row();
trLetters.cell().text('Ort, Datum', { textAlign: 'center' });
trLetters.cell().text('Unterschrift', { textAlign: 'center' });
trLetters.cell().text('Stempel Rechtsträger', { textAlign: 'center' });
Do you maybe also have the report data you use to create the PDF with the issue?
Might be fixed in v2.3.4