Markus Ast

Results 221 comments of Markus Ast

Hi @jpbourgeon, thanks for the links. I have already converted the library in a local branch, but was not able to find a good es6 modules solution for libraries that...

I guess there are the following options. **1) Write client-side ES modules (.js)** - ✅ does work with babel - ✅ named imports work (e.g. `import {Document} from "pdfjs"` -...

The conversion happens here Though, the branch is unfortunately not green yet

> Would it be of interest to move to TS instead of ES6? I am, generally speaking, not opposed to TS. > I've recently had the pleasure to work on...

Thanks for the report! I looked into it and the cause of the issue seems to be that `pdfjs` does not support _hybrid-reference files_. More specifically, the support for the...

[The error]( is indeed misleading, since as you correctly said, the header already returns a row. I think it makes sense to lift this restriction an allow multiple `.header()` calls...

Good point. It should be fairly easy to implement to always add pages from external documents in their original size. In - if the page has no `MediaBox` property,...

I did some testing and it seems most PDFs are already added in their respective size, and only some are not. It depends on whether the `Page` itself specifies a...

Pages added with `addPageOf` should now (on `master`) keep their original page size. Though, I am not sure whether I am going to implement > add an option to `setTemplate`...

Hi @jpbourgeon, in your case `setTemplate` will "fail" (in terms of not giving the expected result) for both under sized and over sized content. Though I think `setTemplate` is maybe...