ag.vim copied to clipboard
let g:ag_working_path_mode = 'r' doesn't work
when I set let g:ag_working_path_mode = 'r'
in my .vimrc, nothing change. It search into files of the current directory instead of Project directory.
I have a .svn file in the parent project directory.
It seems to not detect .svn.
Please help
Are you sure you don't have a typo in your vimrc?
svn works fine in my case. With either my full vimrc or a minimal one.
I want to help fix it for you since I wrote that piece of code but svn is definitely supported so could you give me some more information?
I am on windows 7, 64 bit
There is my _vimrc file
This is my project structure :
I have files in my js folder in which there is the word option.
:Ag option
from one file of this folder :
I have files in my views folder in which there is the word option too.
:Ag option
from one file of this folder :
Hum.. I'm wondering if my .svn folder is enough higher in the hierarchy ? What do you mean by typo?
If I'm not mistaken the problem is caused by the fact that my code relies on unix type path's with a / instead of a windows type path with . I'll test this tomorrow and see if there's anything easy to be done about it.
Your folder hierarchy is fine.
@codeur4 would you do me a favour and check out the PR referenced here? I don't have a windows pc, and I'm probably going over this a bit too quickly.
No, same as before
OK i will try and get a windows virtual image from work and figure out the problem. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Ok cool, thanks
Hey Numkil, any progress? Having the same problem with the windows type path.
@hunhejj actually there has been. @tplunket has made A fix. You can check it out in pull request #112.
Would you be so kind in checking out that pull request and letting me know if it solves your issues? That way I can start pushing the maintainers to accept thePR.
oh cool, I was not aware of that. Is there a way checking it out simply with vim-plug?
I don't use vim-plug myself but I expect it should be possible by temporarily using this syntax. Plug 'numkil/ag.nvim', { 'branch': 'fixGuessProjectRootOnWindows' } This will checkout the specific branch I made to start my pull request from. You can see the difference in code at #112.