line_profiler icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
line_profiler copied to clipboard

Make IPython an optional dependency

Open simonpercivall opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments

It would be great if line_profiler didn't always require IPython to install, instead making it either a soft dependency, or an extras_require (with graceful degradation, of course).

simonpercivall avatar Feb 23 '18 13:02 simonpercivall

Yes, we would love to do this. I've been trying out ways to make it a soft dependency, but it's tricky with the way the IPython API has changed. If you've got any suggestions, let us know!

caethan avatar Mar 04 '18 14:03 caethan

In its most simple way, I'd do it like this: PR #114

'Course, it'd be better to split out into a separate file, to make it look a bit cleaner.

simonpercivall avatar Mar 04 '18 22:03 simonpercivall