Results 30 issues of Keith Hill

In Plaster, we have separated out user customizable variables and tasks into a file called `build.setting.ps1`. This file only gets used in a "dot sourced" context from within `build.psake.ps1`. Because...

Issue - Enhancement

Help seems to work but I'm not sure how.


Fix #88 This is a work in progress because while Get-SlackUser now retrieves all users. I'm not sure what we want to do about the other commands that implement paging...

Do you have a bootstrapping mechanism to pull down the various dependencies required to build the module?


GTA works fine when we use the "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" generator and then open the generated SLN in VS 2015. However, when we try to use the VS...


These are really "see also" links in the sense that there isn't a link per se, just a reference to related commands. For instance, look at the bottom of full...


## Steps to reproduce Here's the markdown: ``` ## Metadata The `metadata` section contains information about the Plaster manifest itself and requires the following data: - `name` - Manifest name....


### System Details - Operating system name and version: Windows 10 AU - VS Code version: 1.10.2 - PowerShell extension version: 0.11.0 - Output from `$PSVersionTable`: ``` Name Value ----...

Bug: VS Code

We should only merge this if @vors decides that the module should only support PS v5 or higher. #64

When running compress-archive on a Linux system with symlinks, the symlinks are not preserved when you use expand-archive on a Linux system. Perhaps this command should just fail politely when...

Area - Symlinks