truffle-plugin-verify copied to clipboard
No instance of contract [Contract name] found for network id 137 when verify on Polygon chain
Always got the massage 'No instance of contract [Contract name] found for network id 137' when verify on Polygon chain
Environment information
- Operating System: Windows 10 Pro (21H2)
- Node version: v16.15.0
- Truffle version: 5.1.30
- truffle-plugin-verify version: v0.5.26
Debug output run verify BoosterversePolygon --network polygon --debug DEBUG logging is turned ON Running truffle-plugin-verify v0.5.26 Retrieving network's network ID & chain ID Verifying BoosterversePolygon Reading artifact file at D:\My_proj\BoosterVerse_Storefront-prod2\build\contracts\BoosterversePolygon.json No instance of contract BoosterversePolygon found for network id 137 Failed to verify 1 contract(s): BoosterversePolygon
Hey @akantora
Please use the following command to overcome this issue.
truffle run verify {ContractName}@{ContractAddresss} --network polygon --debug
For Example:
truffle run verify [email protected] --network polygon --debug
As @mavvverick mentioned, providing the address manually is a good workaround. But auto-detection should generally work as well. Do you have a minimal repo where I can reproduce the issue?
got the same issue and solved my problem with this command truffle run verify MyContract@address --network avalanche --debug
No reproduction repo was provided, so no way to debug this issue. Manually providing the address is a decent enough workaround. Closing this for inactivity.