jira-oauth-generator copied to clipboard
Utility to generate OAuth Token for Jira
JIRA OAuth1 Setup and Usage
Python 3 Setup
- Create Python 3 Virtual Environment (Verified against Python 3.6.6!)
mkvirtualenv -p python3 jira_oauth1_py3_env
- Activate this environment to work on
workon jira_oauth1_py3_env
- Install all required libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt
RSA Private and Public Key creations
- Make sure you have .oauthconfig folder exists in your home directory
- Create RSA Private key and store it in file oauth.pem
openssl genrsa -out oauth.pem 1024
- Create RSA Public Key and store it in file oauth.pub
openssl rsa -in oauth.pem -pubout -out oauth.pub
- Again make sure both files are copied to .oauthconfig folder in your home directory.
- Also share RSA Public Key oauth.pub with your Jira Admin, as they need it during Jira Application Link creation.
Jira Application Link Creation Steps
- Logon as a Jira Administrator
- Go to Application links section under Application area
- Enter dummy url (as oauth token used for API access and not web access) https://jira-oauth1-rest-api-access
- Click on Create new link button
- Click Continue on next screen
- Enter something like Jira OAuth1 REST API access as a Application Name
- Don't need to fill any other information. Click on Continue
- Now you should able to see new Application link with name Jira OAuth1 REST API access created and available under section Configure Application Links section
- Click on pencil icon to configure Incoming Authentication
- Enter jira-oauth1-rest-api-access (or any other appropriate string) as Consumer Key
- Enter same string jira-oauth1-rest-api-access (or any other appropriate string) as Consumer Name
- Enter content of RSA Public key (stored in file oauth.pub) as Public Key
- Click on Save
Prepare for OAuth Dance
- Configure starter_oauth.config with correct values
- jira_base_url=https://jira.example.com
- consumer_key=jira-oauth1-rest-api-access
- test_jira_issue=EXJIRA-123
Perform Jira OAuth Dance
- Make sure you are in base directory of this Repo
- Python Virtual Environment that we create earlier is active.
(jira_oauth1_py3_env) ➜ jira-oauth-generator git:(master) ✗ ls -1
- Run jira_oauth_token_generator.py
(jira_oauth1_py3_env) ➜ jira-oauth-generator git:(master) ✗ python jira_oauth_token_generator.py
- If you get TypeError, string argument without an encoding as below, you need to update hashAndSign function in rsakey.py where package is installed as shown in path below.
(jira_oauth1_py3_env) ➜ jira-oauth-generator git:(master) ✗ python jira_oauth_token_generator.py
/../jira_oauth1_py3_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tlslite/utils/rsakey.py", line 62, in hashAndSign
hashBytes = SHA1(bytearray(bytes))
TypeError: string argument without an encoding
- To fix this error, add explicitly "utf8" encoding in rsakey.py in hashAndSign function
In function hashAndSign(...),
*changed line* -> hashBytes = SHA1(bytearray(bytes))
to -> hashBytes = SHA1(bytearray(bytes, "utf8"))
- Authenticate in browser as directed below and then click y for question Have you authorized me?
(jira_oauth1_py3_env) ➜ jira-oauth-generator git:(master) ✗ python jira_oauth_token_generator.py
- oauth_token = sdfsdf2342edfsdfwfwfwer23432423
- oauth_token_secret = sdfsdf2345t66w54564336sdgwtwte
Go to the following link in your browser:
Have you authorized me? (y/n)
- After successful oAuth generation, you will get another set of values for oauth_token and oauth_token_secret. These are you tokens that you need to use access Jira without passing credentials.
Access Token:
- oauth_token = sdfPxIsdfsdfs$sdf234sdgssd$sresdf
- oauth_token_secret = rswfsdfsdfjsdjlksjdfljsdlkfjsldfj
You may now access protected resources using the access tokens above.
Accessing JIRA-123 using generated OAuth tokens:
Issue key: JIRA-123, Summary: This is JIRA-123 Summary
Copy both oauth_token and oauth_token_secret to .oauth_jira_config.<jira_env> file.
(jira_oauth1_py3_env) ➜ .oauthconfig cat .oauth_jira_config.dev
Using OAuth1 tokens in Sample Jira Script.
- Using Python Requests library
(jira_oauth1_py3_env) ➜ jira-oauth-generator git:(master) ✗ python access_using_requests_package.py dev
(EXJIRA) Excitement for JIRA Project People
(jira_oauth1_py3_env) ➜ jira-oauth-generator git:(master) ✗
- Using Python JIRA library
(jira_oauth1_py3_env) ➜ jira-oauth-generator git:(master) ✗ python access_using_jira_library.py prod
Reteriving Issue: JIRA-123
Issue:JIRA-123, Summary: Test access request
Reteriving 1st three Jira Projects available to you:
First 3 Projects are ['TES', 'TEst', 'TEST']
Original implementation is available here:
https://bitbucket.org/atlassian_tutorial/atlassian-oauth-examples under python/app.py