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Rails-API authentication solution based on JWT and inspired by Devise
Rails-API authentication solution based on JWT and inspired by Devise.
This is documentation for version
. If you are using1.x
version use this link
Version 2.x introduces incompatible API changes.
Table of Contents
- Installation
- Configuration
- Modules
- ORMs support
- Controller helpers
- Default Controllers API
- Controllers
- Payload
- Responses
- Strong parameters
- Examples
- Testing
- License
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rails_jwt_auth'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install rails_jwt_auth
Finally execute:
rails g rails_jwt_auth:install
Only for ActiveRecord, generate migrations:
rails g rails_jwt_auth:migrate
You can edit configuration options into config/initializers/rails_jwt_auth.rb
file created by generator.
Option | Default value | Description |
model_name | 'User' |
Authentication model name |
auth_field_name | 'email' |
Field used to authenticate user with password |
email_auth_field | 'email' |
Field used to send emails |
email_regex | URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP |
Regex used to validate email input on requests like reset password |
downcase_auth_field | false |
Apply downcase to auth field when save user and when init session |
jwt_expiration_time | 7.days |
Tokens expiration time |
jwt_issuer | 'RailsJwtAuth' |
The "iss" (issuer) claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT |
simultaneous_sessions | 2 |
Number of simultaneous sessions for an user. Set 0 to disable sessions |
mailer_name | 'RailsJwtAuth::Mailer' |
Mailer class name (allow customize mailer) |
mailer_sender | [email protected] |
E-mail address which will be shown in RailsJwtAuth::Mailer |
send_email_change_requested_notification | true |
Notify original email when change is requested (unconfirmed) |
send_password_changed_notification | true |
Notify email when password changes |
confirmation_expiration_time | 1.day |
Confirmation token expiration time |
reset_password_expiration_time | 1.day |
Confirmation token expiration time |
deliver_later | false |
Uses deliver_later method to send emails |
invitation_expiration_time | 2.days |
Time an invitation is valid and can be accepted |
lock_strategy | :none |
Strategy to be used to lock an account: :none or :failed_attempts |
unlock_strategy | :time |
Strategy to use when unlocking accounts: :time , :email or :both |
unlock_in | 60.minutes |
Interval to unlock an account if unlock_strategy is :time |
reset_attempts_in | 60.minutes |
Interval after which to reset failed attempts counter of an account |
maximum_attempts | 3 |
Number of failed login attempts before locking an account |
confirm_email_url | nil |
Your web url where emai link redirects with confirmation token |
reset_password_url | nil |
Your web url where emai link redirects with reset password token |
accept_invitation_url | nil |
Your web url where emai link redirects with invitation token |
unlock_account_url | nil |
Your web url where emai link redirects with unlock token |
avoid_email_errors | true |
Avoid returns email errors to avoid giving clue to an attacker |
It's composed of 6 modules:
Module | Description |
Authenticable | Hashes and stores a password in the database to validate the authenticity of a user while signing in |
Confirmable | Sends emails with confirmation instructions and verifies whether an account is already confirmed during sign in |
Recoverable | Resets the user password and sends reset instructions |
Trackable | Tracks sign in and request timestamps and IP address |
Invitable | Allows you to invite an user to your application sending an invitation mail |
Lockable | Locks the user after a specified number of failed sign in attempts |
ORMs support
RailsJwtAuth support both Mongoid and ActiveRecord.
For next examples auth_field_name
and email_field_name
are configured to use the field email
# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
include RailsJwtAuth::Authenticatable
include RailsJwtAuth::Confirmable
include RailsJwtAuth::Recoverable
include RailsJwtAuth::Trackable
include RailsJwtAuth::Invitable
include RailsJwtAuth::Lockable
validates :email, presence: true,
uniqueness: true,
format: URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP
Ensure you have executed migrate task: rails g rails_jwt_auth:migrate
and you have uncomented all modules fields into generated migration file.
class User
include Mongoid::Document
include RailsJwtAuth::Authenticatable
include RailsJwtAuth::Confirmable
include RailsJwtAuth::Recoverable
include RailsJwtAuth::Trackable
include RailsJwtAuth::Invitable
include RailsJwtAuth::Lockable
field :email, type: String
validates :email, presence: true,
uniqueness: true,
format: URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP
Controller helpers
RailsJwtAuth will create some helpers to use inside your controllers.
To use this helpers we need to include AuthenticableHelper
into ApplicationController
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::API
include RailsJwtAuth::AuthenticableHelper
Authenticate your controllers:
class MyController < ApplicationController before_action :authenticate! end
This helper expect that token has been into AUTHORIZATION header. Raises
exception when it fails. -
Authenticate your controllers:
class MyController < ApplicationController before_action :authenticate end
This helper is like
but it not raises exception -
Return current signed-in user.
Return current jwt payload.
Verify if a user is signed in.
Default Controllers API
Prefix | Verb | URI Pattern | Controller#Action |
session | DELETE | /session(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/sessions#destroy |
POST | /session(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/sessions#create | |
registration | POST | /registration(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/registrations#create |
profile | GET | /profile(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/profiles#show |
mail_profile | PUT | /profile/email(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/profiles#email |
password_profile | PUT | /profile/password(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/profiles#password |
PUT | /profile(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/profiles#update | |
confirmations | POST | /confirmations(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/confirmations#create |
confirmation | PUT | /confirmations/:id(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/confirmations#update |
reset_passwords | POST | /reset_passwords(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/reset_passwords#create |
reset_password | GET | /reset_passwords/:id(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/reset_passwords#show |
PUT | /reset_passwords/:id(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/reset_passwords#update | |
invitations | POST | /invitations(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/invitations#create |
invitation | GET | /invitations/:id(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/invitations#show |
PUT | /invitations/:id(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/invitations#update | |
unlock_account | PUT | /unlock_accounts/:id(.:format) | rails_jwt_auth/unlock_accounts#update |
Session api is defined by RailsJwtAuth::SessionsController
- Get session token:
url: host/session,
method: POST,
data: {
session: {
email: '[email protected]',
password: '12345678'
- Delete session
url: host/session,
method: DELETE,
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer auth_token'}
Registration api is defined by RailsJwtAuth::RegistrationsController
- Register user:
url: host/registration,
method: POST,
data: {
user: {
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'xxxx'
Profile api let you get/update your user info and is defined by RailsJwtAuth::ProfilesController
- Get user info:
url: host/profile,
method: GET,
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer auth_token'}
- Update user info:
url: host/profile,
method: PUT,
data: {
profile: {
name: 'new_name',
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer auth_token'}
- Update user password:
url: host/profile/password,
method: PUT,
data: {
profile: {
current_password: 'xxxx',
password: 'yyyy',
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer auth_token'}
- Update user email (needs confirmation module):
url: host/profile/email,
method: PUT,
data: {
profile: {
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'xxxx', # email change is protected by password
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer auth_token'}
Confirmation api is defined by RailsJwtAuth::ConfirmationsController
It is necessary to set a value for confirmations_url
option into config/initializers/rails_jwt_auth.rb
- Confirm user:
url: host/confirmations/:token,
method: PUT
data: {}
- Create confirmation (resend confirmation email):
url: host/confirmations,
method: POST,
data: {
confirmation: {
email: '[email protected]'
Reset password api is defined by RailsJwtAuth::ResetPasswordsController
- Send reset password email (init reset password process):
url: host/reset_passwords,
method: POST,
data: {
reset_password: {
email: '[email protected]'
- Check token validation:
Used to verify a token and show an alert in your website before the new password is set.
url: host/reset_passwords/:token,
method: GET
- Update password:
url: host/reset_passwords/:token,
method: PUT,
data: {
reset_password: {
password: '1234',
password_confirmation: '1234'
Invitations api is provided by RailsJwtAuth::InvitationsController
- Create an invitation and send email:
url: host/invitations,
method: POST,
data: {
invitation: {
email: '[email protected]',
// More fields of your user
- Check token validation:
Used to verify token and show an alert in your web before invitation data is completed.
url: host/invitations/:token,
method: GET
- Accept an invitation:
url: host/invitations/:invitation_token,
method: PUT,
data: {
invitation: {
password: '1234',
password_confirmation: '1234'
Note: To add more fields, see "Custom strong parameters" below.
Unlock api is provided by RailsJwtAuth::UnlocksController
- Unlock user:
url: host/unlock_accounts/:unlock_token,
method: PUT,
data: {}
RailsJwtAuth offers an easy way to customize certain parts.
Custom controllers
You can overwrite RailsJwtAuth controllers to edit actions, responses, permitted parameters...
For example, if we want to call custom method when user is created we need to create new registration controller inherited from default controller:
# app/controllers/registrations_controller.rb
class RegistrationsController < RailsJwtAuth::RegistrationsController
def create
user = RailsJwtAuth.model.new(create_params)
And edit route resource to use it:
# config/routes.rb
resource :registration, controller: 'registrations', only: [:create, :update, :destroy]
Custom payload
If you need edit default payload used to generate jwt you can overwrite the method to_token_payload
into your User class:
class User < ApplicationRecord
include RailsJwtAuth::Authenticatable
def to_token_payload(request)
auth_token: auth_tokens.last,
# add here your custom info
Custom responses
You can overwrite RailsJwtAuth::RenderHelper
to customize controllers responses
without need to overwrite each controller.
# app/controllers/concerns/rails_jwt_auth/render_helper.rb
module RailsJwtAuth
module RenderHelper
def render_session(jwt, user)
# add custom field to session response
render json: {session: {jwt: jwt, my_custom_field: user.custom_field}}, status: 201
Custom strong parameters
You can overwrite RailsJwtAuth::ParamsHelper
to customize controllers strong parameters
without need to overwrite each controller.
# app/controllers/concerns/rails_jwt_auth/params_helper.rb
module RailsJwtAuth
module ParamsHelper
def registration_create_params
# change root to :data
params.require(:data).permit(:email, :password, :password_confirmation)
Custom mailer
To use a custom mailer, create a class that extends RailsJwtAuth::Mailer, like this:
class CustomMailer < RailsJwtAuth::Mailer
def confirmation_instructions(user)
# set your custom code here
Then, in your config/initializers/rails_jwt_auth.rb
, set config.mailer
to "CustomMailer"
If you only need to customize templates, overwrite files in 'app/views/rails_jwt_auth/mailer'
Testing (rspec)
Require the RailsJwtAuth::Spec::Helpers helper module in rails_helper.rb
require 'rails_jwt_auth/spec_helpers'
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include RailsJwtAuth::SpecHelpers, type: :controller
And then we can just call sign_in(user) to sign in as a user:
describe ExampleController
it 'blocks unauthenticated access' do
expect { get :index }.to raise_error(RailsJwtAuth::NotAuthorized)
it 'allows authenticated access' do
sign_in user
get :index
expect(response).to be_success
Copy config/locales/en.yml
into your project config/locales
folder and edit it.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.