Thank you for the reply. I have read the referenced issues now. I'm starting to think that my issue however is more of a question on how to best implement...
> Does this mean that the reference to the Meteor instance is kept in a subclass of Application? Indeed, it is. I have a custom class for the application's context...
Okay, some more input from the test bench here. I have added Log outputs and breakpoints to the overridden MeteorCallback methods. None of them fire when I lock or unlock...
I **do not** get `onDisconnect` or `onException` callbacks when all I do is **lock or unlock the screen**, the test case outlined above. I **do** however get callbacks on those...
I have just done the proposed quick test. I've defined a Meteor method on the server which just echoes something to the console. Then I have set up a delayed...
It will take me a few more days to get back on this to you. Sorry for the delay and thank you for the support thus far.
After some more debugging I once more lean towards the side of a bug in my application design. I will have to do some more testing in order to confirm...
Hi @SpyrosMourelatos, have you made any progress on this yet? I'm currently evaluating medusa and since I'm pretty well-versed in Docker I figured I might contribute an app Dockerfile +...
https://github.com/medusajs/docker-medusa - seems like there's an official implementation on it's way. For prod I think it's mostly about modifying the configs (e.g. postgres max connections, nginx conf) and providing security...
@chill117 By now I'm running my store inside Kubernetes for staging and theoretically I could run the images I build for that very easily with docker-compose and postgres locally. Building...