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Ethers Signer that connects to AWS KMS


This is a wallet or signer that can be used together with Ethers.js applications, using AWS KMS as the key storage. For GCP KMS look here

Getting Started

npm i ethers-aws-kms-signer

You can provide the AWS Credentials using the various ways listed here depending on how you are using this library. You can also explicitly specify them when invoking the AwsKmsSigner constructor as shown below.

import { AwsKmsSigner } from "ethers-aws-kms-signer";

const kmsCredentials = {
  accessKeyId: "AKIAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // credentials for your IAM user with KMS access
  secretAccessKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // credentials for your IAM user with KMS access
  region: "ap-southeast-1",
  keyId: "arn:aws:kms:ap-southeast-1:123456789012:key/123a1234-1234-4111-a1ab-a1abc1a12b12",

const provider = ethers.providers.getDefaultProvider("ropsten");
let signer = new AwsKmsSigner(kmsCredentials);
signer = signer.connect(provider);

const tx = await signer.sendTransaction({ to: "0xE94E130546485b928C9C9b9A5e69EB787172952e", value: 1 });



git clone this repo

$ git clone my-module
$ cd my-module
$ rm -rf .git
$ npm install # or yarn

Just make sure to edit package.json, and LICENSE files accordingly with your module's info.


$ npm test # run tests with Jest
$ npm run coverage # run tests with coverage and open it on browser
$ npm run lint # lint code
$ npm run build # generate docs and transpile code


Turn on debugging by using the DEBUG environment variable for Node.js and using localStorage.debug in the browser.



Commit message format

This boiler plate uses the semantic-release package to manage versioning. Once it has been set up, version numbers and Github release changelogs will be automatically managed. semantic-release uses the commit messages to determine the type of changes in the codebase. Following formalized conventions for commit messages, semantic-release automatically determines the next semantic version number, generates a changelog and publishes the release.

Use npm run commit instead of git commit in order to invoke Commitizen commit helper that helps with writing properly formatted commit messages.


MIT © RJ Chow


Utmost credit goes to Lucas Henning for doing the legwork on parsing the AWS KMS signature and public key asn formats:

A significant portion of code was inspired by the work he published at