assembly-stats copied to clipboard
help running the program
Hi, Thank you for writing this wonderful program. These figures look really nice. However, as I have no knowledge of the java program and being a newbie in bioinformatics. I have not been able to run the program.
What I did was:
- I downloaded the repository
on my home folder - created the input file called
script and placed it in theassembly-stats/json
folder. - Configured web successfully following the link suggested in issue 10
- I then tried to use this link below to run it in the safari browser. http://localhost/~/assembly-stats/assembly-stats.html?path=/~/assembly-stats/json/&assembly=output&view=circle&altView=cumulative&altView=table
But it says The requested URL was not found on this server. I also tried with the test JSON file the same way and it's the same error.
I am also confused with the scripts you provided in usage
section for where to use.
Can you please help me with it?
Thank you, Upendra
Sorry this is such a pain to use - hopefully there's not much to do to get it working from here.
I think you should just need to move the assembly-stats folder to a different location to get this to work. When you set up the web server on you computer, it is configured to serve files in /Library/WebServer/Documents or /Users/
As you have followed the link in issue10, you should get the message "it works!" when you visit http://localhost. This means that files can be served from /Library/WebServer/Documents, but as this folder is owned by root, you will need to use sudo to move the assembly-stats folder into it. if you do that then your url should look like http://localhost/assembly-stats/assembly-stats.html?path=/assembly-stats/json/&assembly=output&view=circle&altView=cumulative&altView=table.
If you also set up the user site hosting, then visiting http://localhost/~your-username should show a basic web page and you can move the assembly-stats folder to /Users/
If one of these options gets you past the URL not found error, then we can work out how to debug from there.
Hi Richard,
Thanks for your reply.
I copied assembly-stats folder to /Library/WebServer/Documents and tried the first link you provided, I got past the URL not found error, and now the page looks like this:
Then, I tried with the test json file for Danaus plexippus and it worked, I could see the circle plot, cumulative, and table:
Now I think web configuration and scripts are working, Thank you for troubleshooting.
I need to work on input file preparation to make it work.
I got the output.json using scripts provided:
perl genome_assembly.fa > output.json
and also
perl genome_assembly.fa > output.minmaxgc.json
Both of these json files produced no graphs. Can you please suggest, what can I do to make it work?
Cheers, Upendra
Rename output.json
to output.assembly-stats.json
will do
(I set up with python -m http.server 8080
Hi, Thank you for this tool! The graphs look great and I would like to produce them for my genome assembly, however, I am getting the same issue as Upendra. I managed to produce .json files for my assembly with and, I set up the web server and I can visualize the .json files provided as examples, but when I try my own files I get the page but no graphs (same as Upendra above). Renaming the output.json to output.assembly-stats.json doesn't change anything.
I will be thankful for any suggestions. Cheers, Aga
Hi, it's exactly the same for me as for @tilia2501. The files are all in the same directory, the names all end in ".assembly-stats.json", they include the same keys (except that Danaus has CEGMA values whereas my file, Heliconius, and Operophtera don't), the latter 3 even have the same line numbers. But still I can visualise the graphs for all the example files but not for my file. I would appreciate any help. Cheers, Saskia
Hi, @swutke, I played around with the .json file and discovered that if I open it in another text editor than gedit and save it back with the .assembly-stats.json extension, it suddenly starts working.. I don't know where the problem is. diff doesn't show any difference between the working and non-working file. Hope this helps! Aga
Thank you for describing what you tried - I've just realised that I updated the example html to require the .assembly-stats.json
, but missed updating the example commands in the README. I think changing the extension should be all that is required. I'll update the README now to use the correct extension