Ricardo Signes
Ricardo Signes
Is the list in the "report file" linked to above sufficient? (If not, why not?)
Maybe, but I'm not sure what change might have introduced this kind of thing recently. Anyway, easy to test and probably easy to fix! :)
@khwilliamson You should just move this to dist, thanks. If we get a strong contender for fixing things, we can move it back (easy) or just accept a bunch of...
As I commented on #19554, I think we should leave blead as is and view this as as correction that does not need a long warning period.
That's my personal opinion. I could certainly be outvoted, and possibly swayed.
@Util Thanks for your reply! I think -- knowing very very little about how the meta-operators involved work -- there are at least a few questions I'd like to see...
On IRC, Nemokosch points out that Theorem 2 is incorrect: ``` > (1,2,3)
I can't reproduce this issue on macOS. Has it been fixed?
I'm not sure I think this is a blocker. This is sort of the low key breakage we expect once in a while when Perl changes its code, assuming people...
@kenahoo Where do you think we are with this? "Path::Class is broken" feels like a blocker…