@tanandy , how does that work? I don't think I quite understand. I tried to add the forwarded headers like adding: `--entryPoints.web.forwardedHeaders.trustedIPs=,` But it does not seam to work in...
No I tried to add them both to see if it then will use the headers as client ip, but it doesn't matter. I am still stuck in the fact...
Yes, but on NGINX I do get it to work with `externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster` and on Traefik I don't. Both have the DO LB annotation and Both have proxy protocol enabled.
added this role to the service account that is used and now it works: ``` kubectl create clusterrolebinding default-admin --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:default ```
@zhanghongtong i tried the helm chart, but it gives me an error: `Wait helm template failed. Error: stat /emqx: no such file or directory : exit status 1` What do...
Well i added the helm url as global to rancher catalog manager. Then launched the app via search on the catalog. Didn't change anything and launched. So with no answers....
Now i tried not to add the url: but instead add the url: as chart repo and i can install the chart. It only doesnt want to get...
Thnx for your help. Any chance to point me in a direction of adding (LE) certificates to the cluster too?
I used 2.3.11 indeed. And with a single /mqtt/topic its working. But i am not sure how to pub/sub to a sub sub sub topic for example: mqtt/topic/subtopic When doing:...
Well i tried that at first, but then it won't subscribe at all. It will only subscribe with only a parent topic. With subtopic it won't subscribe.