Fourmolu seems like it doesn't know how to parse lhs type applications in a closed type family regardless of language pragmas. ```haskell type PickType :: forall k. Nat -> k...
The formatter will reformat unboxed tuples to regular tuples by dropping the `#` character and removing necessary whitespace between the unboxed tuple and tuples elements. For example, the following type:...
Attempting to format a `newtype` with `-XGADTSyntax` or `-XGADTs` such as: ```haskell import Data.Kind newtype T (a :: Type) :: Type where T :: {unT :: a -> a} ->...
The `StatusCode` enum [is currently defined via c2hs](https://github.com/awakesecurity/gRPC-haskell/blob/a97a7686de9deb13b78969bddd5d6b39ca89fb77/core/src/Network/GRPC/Unsafe/Op.chs#L34). This means that the Haskell enumeration includes a constructor `StatusCodeDoNotUse` since we convert directly from the C enumeration. As the name suggests,...
Running the test suite on MacOS hangs indefinitely which was found out when updating CI from `macos-10.15 (deprecated)` to `macos-latest` in #149. It is still not clear why this is....
This PR changes `Network.MQTT.GRPC.Message.Packet` so that the same `proto3-wire` serialization buffer is reused after each packet is publish. This significantly reduces the maximum heap residency accumulated in the process of...
Fixing resource cleanup and race conditions in the test suite. WIP/draft.
The documentation on `grpc-mqtt`'s custom protobuf options in the `README.md`: - [ ] The boolean option `haskell.grpc.mqtt.batched_stream`. - [ ] The boolean option `haskell.grpc.mqtt.batched_stream_service`. - [ ] The boolean option...
The current algorithm for checking the "eventually" modality has unexpected failures for specifications with `next` actions that do not make progress. If a specification does not explicitly assign the new...
Adds a new specification to `integration-tests` suite, taken from #47.