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Make a web app
most of the server logic is already in place for the command line script we have here. I imagine that it's agnostic to the question of which framework we use. I think the server architecture that wraps around the existing logic will be very simple. (I already made one endpoint to update the user playlists according to their settings). I chose Flask because I know it and because it's simple to set up but Fast Api or Django could work too.
I'm able to run the Flask server locally and hit it with Postman. It updates my playlists according to the payload I put into Postman.
- [x] #21
~~Another import endpoint will be for the user to update their settings.~~ (now that I think about it, I'd like to try to get away with storing user settings in the client's local storage)
- [x] #22
web app client
Seems like there could be multiple clients in different frameworks. I like Flutter because I know it and because you don't have to mess with HTML and CSS but I'm interested in the frameworks you mentioned too.
- [x] Create local Flutter client to hit the server as proof of concept
- [ ] Setup Firebase hosting and deploy