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The bot for my discord server.

Cuomputer PRs Welcome

The bot for my discord server. Obviously there are many missing tokens and secrets in this repo, so I'm not sure how useful it will be to anyone else. But, ideally, others could figure out how to help me improve it or make improvements themselves.

This is where I set up the bot 8 = admin

Installation: set up venv on each computer

Get path to python

where python

Create the venv (use the name of the computer, such as G for desktop or 9 for laptop)

"C:\Users\aethe\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\python" -m venv .G "C:\Users\Rivers Cuomo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe" -m venv .9

Activate the venv

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set environment variables in both a .env file and in HEROKU


TOKEN = its another secret looking string from discord?

Other Apis


Other Credentials

gspreader [service account]

Heroku.Settings.configVariables: GSPREADER_GOOGLE_CREDS json object . Gspreader uses the gspreader.json method to get the creds. .env: it still has access to a file using the gspreader.path method to GSPREADER_GOOGLE_CREDS_PATH=C:\RC Dropbox\Rivers Cuomo\Apps\credentials\rctweetcleaner-3d2160633739.json

firestore and google drive [service account]

Heroku.Settings.configVariables: GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS json object. .env: I think it's just authorizing itself by using the riverscuomo-8cc6c....json cred file in the top level of the project. This file is not commited to git/github but it is avaialable in the directory via dropbox.

RUN in the top level directory


press play in the debugger in vscode on the file

Deploy to Heroku

This is probably just for me. heroku login git push heroku main one time I had to add -f


Most of the interesting code is in bot/on_message folder and bot/scripts folder.

in discord_bot.