transform copied to clipboard
TS to JSON error
POST Status: 500 Response:
Cannot find global type 'Array'.
Cannot find global type 'Boolean'.
Cannot find global type 'Function'.
Cannot find global type 'IArguments'.
Cannot find global type 'Number'.
Cannot find global type 'Object'.
Cannot find global type 'RegExp'.
Cannot find global type 'String'.
File '/var/task/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.d.ts' not found.
The file is in the program because:
Default library for target 'es5'
I'm having similar issues using the website tool
It's due to the project's serverless deployment. There is no filesystem on cloud edge functions, thus many node APIs are absent.
Seems like the conversion library relies on the TypeScript SDK, which it tries to read from node_modules/
(doesn't exist on cloud)
Correct. I am looking to move to some other hosting service.
Is there any progress with this?