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Feature Request: Show which playlist songs are no longer on Beat Saver (Or could not be found on Beat Saver)
Hello! First of all, I absolutely love what you've done with Playlist Manager.
One feature that I would like to see is the ability to see which of my playlists songs are no longer on beat saver. It can be frustrating creating a playlist over a 2 month period, sharing it with people, and then they aren't able to download a bunch of the songs because they are no longer on beat saver. If I, as the creator of the playlist, were to be able to see which songs are no longer on beat saver, I could manually fix them before sharing my playlist with my friends.
I figured since Playlist Manager has a "download all" button for downloading all a playlists songs from beat saver, maybe there could also be a button to check for missing songs, and then print out a list of all the songs that could not be found. It would be a great QOL addition for communities that share playlists often.
Sounds neat, will take a crack at this.