Olga Koroleva

Results 27 comments of Olga Koroleva

Thank you for the video, we definitely saw it, and debugged our showcase on exactly the same device with the same Android OS version (OnePlus 7 Pro with Android 11),...

Hi @hpatel123, video and screenshot: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8104718/124075505-a0338500-da4d-11eb-822f-18c01fb4827a.mp4 ![OnePlus7_Android11](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8104718/124075534-acb7dd80-da4d-11eb-90e0-7e9503bf2eff.jpg)

Hi @pankaj89 unfortunately we are unable to reproduce the issue, you could try disable battery optimisation for the application, but for us on the OnePlus 7 it works even with...

Closing it due to inactivity, feel free to reopen if needed.

Hello @Faiz882 all the documentation for In-app Notifications can be found here https://github.com/infobip/mobile-messaging-sdk-android/wiki/In-app-notifications#basic-in-app-notifications

So, for [Basic In-app notificatio](https://github.com/infobip/mobile-messaging-sdk-android/wiki/In-app-notifications#customize-button-text-color)n it's possible to change button text color as written in the doc like this: ``` @color/colorAccent ``` But since 9.0.0 version of the SDK we've...

Hello @Faiz882 are you may be overriding "Theme.AppCompat.Light" style parameters such as background? Our SDK uses InAppDialog style for managing in-app dialog colors: https://github.com/infobip/mobile-messaging-sdk-android/blob/c1bec8910f22802a1ffcdf149aa10fe40e44f798/infobip-mobile-messaging-android-sdk/src/main/res/values/styles.xml#L3-L5. As a parent style we use...

try to change to "@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar"

We'll need to check is it possible to not change `colorAccent`, but just to notify you that you are using Basic In-app notifications, not Full-featured in-apps (to send it you...

Hello @Faiz882, regarding this method https://github.com/infobip/mobile-messaging-sdk-android/wiki/Notification-settings#notification-accent-color, it'll set the color for notification which is displayed when application is on the background. We checked and seems it's not possible right now...