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Number to words conversion support multi language.
Number To Words Conversion For Laravel
Number to words conversion support multi language.
Supported Language
| Bahasa Indonesia -
| English -
| Portuguese - soon
Step 1: Install Through Composer
composer require riskihajar/terbilang
or add this to composer.json
"riskihajar/terbilang": "^1.2"
then run composer update
For Laravel 4 Please use 1.0.4
Step 2: Add Providers & Aliases
In the $providers
array add the service providers for this package.
Add the facade of this package to the $aliases
'Terbilang' => Riskihajar\Terbilang\Facades\Terbilang::class,
Step 3: Publish Configuration (Optional)
If you want customize configuration, you can run following command to publish config file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Riskihajar\Terbilang\TerbilangServiceProvider"
Number To Words
Terbilang::make($number, $suffix, $prefix)
if you set locale to en
Terbilang::make(1000000); // one million
if you set locale to id
Terbilang::make(1000000); // satu juta
Prefix & Suffix
if you set locale to id
Terbilang::make(123456, ' rupiah', 'senilai ');
// senilai seratus dua puluh tiga ribu, empat ratus lima puluh enam rupiah
if you set locale to en
Terbilang::make(654321, ' dollars');
// six hundred and fifty-four thousand, three hundred and twenty-one dollars
Number to Roman
Terbilang::roman($number, $lowercase=false)
Terbilang::roman(1234); //MCCXXXIV
Number Short Hand
Terbilang::short($number, $format)
Available short hand : kilo, million, billion, trillion
Default value : million
if you set locale to en
Terbilang::short(1000000); // 1M
if you set locale to id
Terbilang::short(1000000); // 1jt
Date Terbilang::date($date, $format='Y-m-d');
$date = date('Y-m-d'); // 2015-03-31
// Result : tiga puluh satu maret dua ribu lima belas
Time Terbilang::time($date, $format='h:i:s');
$date = date('h:i:s'); //10:56:30
// Result : sepuluh lewat lima puluh enam menit tiga puluh tiga detik
Date Time Terbilang::datetime($date, $format='Y-m-d h:i:s');
$date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); // 2015-03-31 10:58:27
// Result : tiga puluh satu maret dua ribu lima belas pukul sepuluh lewat lima puluh delapan menit dua puluh tujuh detik
Using Carbon
if using carbon, you can ignore $format
$dt = Carbon\Carbon::now('Asia/Makassar');
$date = Terbilang::date($dt);
$time = Terbilang::time($dt);
$datetime = Terbilang::datetime($dt);
You can diff two dates or just one date and automaticly with current date use method Terbilang::period($start, $end=null, $format=null)
Config for period format
'period' => [
'type' => 'FULL',
'format' => '{YEAR} {MONTH} {DAY} {HOUR} {MINUTE} {SECOND}',
'hide_zero_value' => true,
'separator' => ' ',
'terbilang' => false,
'show' => [
'year' => true,
'month' => true,
'day' => true,
'hour' => true,
'minute' => true,
'second' => true,
Example Period
$date1 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('2017-05-01')); // dateformat must Y-m-d H:i:s
$date2 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('2017-06-15 09:30:15'));
// this method will diff $date1 with current datetime value for example current datetime : 2017-09-08 15:17:54
Terbilang::period($date1); // Result : 4 months 8 days 15 hours 17 minutes 54 seconds
Terbilang::period($date1, $date2); // Result : 1 months 15 days 9 hours 30 minutes 15 seconds
// if you set locale to id
Terbilang::period($date1, $date2); // Result : 1 bulan 15 hari 9 jam 30 menit 15 detik
// if you set config period.terbilang to true
Terbilang::period($date1, $date2); // Result : satu bulan lima belas hari sembilan jam tiga puluh menit lima belas detik
// if you set config period.type to DAY
Terbilang::period($date1, $date2); // Result : 45 hari
Riskihajar Terbilang is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright 2017 riskihajar