cooken icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cooken copied to clipboard

An application where users can search recipes based on the ingredients that they have, made with PERN stack and utilising a third-party API to fetch the recipes data.


🚀 Hosted at

note: please be patient, the site might takes a long time to load since I'm using a free Heroku server to serve the API


Link to GIF

Cooken is a place where you can find recipes from all over the internet.

• Don't know what to cook? We'll recommend you some random recipes.

• Fancy a recipe and want to read it for later? Just save it!

• Want to cook something but have limited ingredients? You can always search based on what you have.

Built using

Frontend: React • React Context API • React Router DOM • TailwindCSS

Backend: Node.js • Express • PostgreSQL • Sequelize • Redis • JSON Web Token • Bcrypt