Sourabh Cheedella
Sourabh Cheedella
Yah, this looks like a nightmare to workaround. I'm gonna wait on firmware release to sort things out, for sure. This behavior does not seem sensible...
@teh3vil This functionality was added into pgoapi, but we don't use the actual live repository as a dependency, so if you could find a way to 'merge' it into this...
Thanks for the detailed testing. I'm not sure the successes with versions 1.05 and 1.0 mean that the library is working properly however. I would caution anyone looking at this...
Could you edit your requests into a task list? The button is right next to the bulleted and number list.
I've had mixed experiences with the transfer button. At time it does seems like the pokemon does get transferred, although there is logging that is absent otherwise. In any case...
@infinitewarp Would it be a good idea to integrate these 'hard limits' into the code, or should we leave it up-to the users to restrict themselves?
Oh man, this brings back nightmares... I remember giving up after writing up a config file. Honestly, if travis still hasn't brought around good Windows support, then I prefer not...
This is invalid Python syntax? The proper way to achieve this in python is ```python3 aws_rds_cluster_changeme_aws_aurora_cluster_instance = \ aws.rds_cluster.RdsCluster(self, "changeme_aws_aurora_cluster_instance", master_password=changeme_aws_aurora_cluster_password.value, master_username=changeme_aws_aurora_cluster_username.value, skip_final_snapshot=True ) ```
@magnetik89 Also, could you post console output that shows this error explicitly?
@magnetik89 Just to be extra sure, what is your `POKEBALL_CONTINUE_THRESHOLD` set to?