
Results 38 comments of ripxorip

Hi! I think you are missing a parameter when starting the plugin. Whats the command you are using to summon the plugin?

Well :Aeorjump without any additional params won't work since its expecting which mode etc to run. Are you running from the latest commit on master? Trying to reproduce your error...

Empty buffer shall not cause any crashes anymore.

You have run :UpdateRemotePlugins first?

Aha!! I think I know what the problem is. Can you try once more but without _any_ caps?

I wrote the plugin to be case insensitive so I think it gets confused when you start with a capital letter.

Hi sorry for the delay. Are you by any chance running Mac/Linux? If so I would be interested to see if you could reproduce this behavior in an isolated environment...

Any update on this? Same thing seems to be happening on Kitty for me.

> Any update on this? Same thing seems to be happening on Kitty for me. The issue seem to go away by exlicitly calling clear on the Terminal struct

I managed to get large assemblies working now as well, after some debugging I concluded that it actually crashed in the native msxml6.dll. I went back to the builtin msxml...