bolt.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bolt.nvim copied to clipboard

⚡ Ultrafast multi-pane file manager for Neovim with fuzzy matching

Results 4 bolt.nvim issues
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1. Installed via `Plug 'ripxorip/bolt.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }` 2. NVIM v0.4.2 3. Getting the following error upon typing `:Bolt`: ``` Error detected while processing function remote#define#request: line 2: Error...

Something goes south when accidentally entering '+' or presumably other regex characters, this might be because of how strings are managed on the python side. Could there be some way...

help wanted
good first issue

These features are requested in order to have any use of the dual pane mode. Currently the commands, BoltCopy etc. only supports the dest as argument. One idea is to...

help wanted
good first issue

When the search results are presented there shall be the possibility to make a split and preview each hit when moving the selection up & down.
