explorer copied to clipboard
AMM Additions
High Level Overview of Change
Context of Change
Type of Change
- [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
- [x] Refactor (non-breaking change that only restructures code)
- [x] Tests (You added tests for code that already exists, or your new feature included in this PR)
- [ ] Documentation Updates
- [ ] Release
TypeScript/Hooks Update
- [ ] Updated files to React Hooks
- [ ] Updated files to TypeScript
Before / After
Test Plan
@mvadari everything in here is very interdependent, i can't easily break this up into multiple PR's.
As for screenshots: https://www.figma.com/file/RUfMjaArFHMdnoB2I1KwRX/XPPL.org-Explorer-(AMM)?node-id=105%3A315&t=3GgQEfMeTjvVe6Ej-0
@mvadari everything in here is very interdependent, i can't easily break this up into multiple PR's.
You can create PRs that are based on other PRs, by making the base branch a PR's branch.
As for screenshots: https://www.figma.com/file/RUfMjaArFHMdnoB2I1KwRX/XPPL.org-Explorer-(AMM)?node-id=105%3A315&t=3GgQEfMeTjvVe6Ej-0
I'd prefer live screenshots rather than mockups.