Mustache.cfc copied to clipboard
{{ mustache }} for ColdFusion
Chris Wanstrath's Mustache templates for ColdFusion.
Mustache is a single component. To install, download the Mustache.cfc file from the mustache directory.
Basic Usage
<cfset mustache = createObject("component", "Mustache").init()>
<cfset template = "Hello, {{thing}}!">
<cfset context = structNew()>
<cfset context['thing'] = 'World'>
<cfoutput>#mustache.render(template, context)#</cfoutput>
Creating Views
Given a template named Winner.mustache:
Hello {{name}}
You have just won ${{value}}!
Well, ${{taxed_value}}, after taxes.
And a view named Winner.cfc:
<cfcomponent extends="Mustache">
<cffunction name="taxed_value">
<cfreturn this.value * 0.6>
You can render the view like so:
<cfset winner = createObject("component", "Winner")>
<cfset = "Patrick">
<cfset winner.value = "1000">
<cfset winner.in_ca = true>
Hello Patrick
You have just won $1000!
Well, $600, after taxes.
A custom tag is also included so you can render templates like so:
<cfset context = {
name = "Patrick",
value = 1000,
in_ca = true,
taxed_value = 600
} />
<cfimport taglib="/path/to/mustache/dir" prefix="stache" />
<stache:mustache context="#context#">
Hello {{name}}
You have just won ${{value}}!
Well, ${{taxed_value}}, after taxes.
To run the files in the tests
folder you first need to download and install MXUnit. MXUnit is not required to run Mustache.cfc