Stephen Crane
Stephen Crane
Just another testing data point: I was able to build against the system clang libs on a clean Fedora 30 container with: `dnf install cmake clang-devel llvm-devel clang-libs`. One test...
Alright, thanks, I'll test on Fedora 32 and see what's going on with the latest libstdc++. > I do have llvm-libs and clang-libs installed (10.0.0 both, same for -devel and...
I manually replaced the individual `libclang*` tooling libraries with `libclang-cpp` in the build script which built and tested just fine with the system clang libraries on Fedora 32. I'll figure...
I've been working on and discussing distribution of Windows C++ LLVM+Clang libraries on the LLVM mailing list. Haven't gotten many responses there yet, but I'm continuing to try. It's still...
Hey @amanjeev, good to hear there's interest in reviving this. I basically dropped this because I couldn't find a good answer for how to handle windows. There seemed to be...
I'm going to start taking a look into (simple) macro translation. The current plan is: - `#define CONSTANT 1` -> Rust `const` - `#ifdef CONSTANT` -> Rust `cfg!` macro and...
clang does keep internal global state, and I don't think that's going to be fixable. I think this will need to be process parallelization, i.e. what build systems do.
Add option to translate all internal functions (was: Transpiling libdivide results in an empty file)
C2Rust is currently designed to translate only functions that are actually used in a C project. This means that it translates `main` for binaries, any functions that have public visibility...
Add option to translate all internal functions (was: Transpiling libdivide results in an empty file)
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing while writing up a response. I'll look into that, shouldn't be too hard.
Add option to translate all internal functions (was: Transpiling libdivide results in an empty file)
Haven't had a chance to look into a flag for this yet, but it's still on my radar. I take it modifying the `LIBDIVIDE_API` macro worked for you, though?