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PlutoUI TableOfContents() not working

Open unnamedunknownusername opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

When calling PlutoUI.TableOfContents() as shown below image

The "menu" that is usually shown on the right does not show up.

Would there be a way to make this work?

Ideally I would like to see the floating table of contents like it is in regular Pluto.jl image

unnamedunknownusername avatar Feb 25 '23 19:02 unnamedunknownusername

Thank you for opening an issue!

Would there be a way to make this work?

Probably yes. I currently do not have time however to work on that so you could either see whether you can fix this and open a pull request here or wait until I maybe have time later.

rikhuijzer avatar Feb 28 '23 09:02 rikhuijzer

Thanks for the prompt reply. I actually seem to have misinterpreted the use case of this package. I found https://github.com/greimel/pluto-course-template to suit my use case better. So feel free to close this as I won't be needing the functionality anymore

unnamedunknownusername avatar Mar 02 '23 19:03 unnamedunknownusername